Research Areas
The DEEE has a high calibre qualified academic staff, engaged in effective and efficient teaching and research, thriving the delivery of quality education. The DEEE academic staff offers their services in variety of extracurricular professional activities as well, leading to institutional, national and international research and development. The Department has a strong research environment. Its own postgraduate program offers research based degrees/diplomas such as PGDip, MScEng, MPhil and PhD. The department receives funds from various research grants through the university and government and also through collaborations that the department has with the industry and foreign universities.
Average H-index of an academic staff member in the department is 9. This is the highest in any engineering department in Sri Lanka. Prof. J.B. Ekanayake and Dr. S.A.H.A. Suraweera have highest H-indexes in engineering in Sri Lanka.

Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing
AI and ML Applications for Smart Grid |
ML and DL in Robotic Applications |
AI for Epidemiology – Modeling and Forecasting |
Digital Signal Processing |
Computer Vision and Remote Sensing and Surveillance |
Spectral Imaging for Remote Sensing, Food and Agriculture |
Image Enhancement |
Agent Based Modeling for Smart Grid Applications |
Biomedical Signal Processing |
Image or Video processing and Analysis |
Signal and Image Processing in Radar Applications |
Statistical Signal Processing |
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Signal Processing |
Bio-Imaging – Fetal Condition Monitoring |
Artificial Pancreas for type 1 Diabetes |
Medical Image Analysis |
Biomechanics |
Computational neuroscience |
Computational epidemiology |
Sensorymotor integration |
Biomedical Instrumentation |
AI for Bio-Medicine |
Human-Computer-Interfacing |
Fetal Condition Monitoring |
PC-based Medical Devices |
Communication and Information Engineering
Antenna or Broadband Antenna Design |
Communication Networks and Information Security |
Design of Antennas for Ground Penetrating Radar |
Use of Genetic Algorithms to Optimize Antenna |
Microstrip Antennas |
Computational Electromagnetics |
Video Coding and Transmission, Error Correction Codes |
Molecular Communication |
Optical Wireless Communication, Coherent Optical Transmission |
Digital Radio Links |
RF & Sound Energy |
Voice over IP - Protocols and Signaling |
Linux Embedded Systems |
Speech Recognition and Synthesis |
Digital Audio Restoration, Computer Music |
Green Communications |
Full-duplex Transmission |
Wireless Interference Management, Wireless Security |
Cognitive Radio |
Multi-antenna Communication Systems |
Electronics and Instrumentation
Control, Protection and Driving Circuits for Power Electronics Systems |
Microwave Circuit/system Design, Microwave Radar |
Nano Electronic Devices |
Organic Electronic Devices |
Power Electronic Converters |
VLSI design optimization |
Active Sensing |
Biomedical Instrumentation and Medical Devices |
Sensor Fusion |
Analog Integrated Circuit Design |
Automated Signature Detection in Signals |
Estimation and Tracking |
Adaptive Noise Cancellation |
Wireless Sensor Networks |
Power, High Voltage and Energy
Renewable-Energy Conversion |
Power Electronic Applications |
Fast Battery Chargers |
Grid-Edge Energy-Integration |
Electrical Machine based Drives |
Renewable Energy Generation and Integration |
Smart Grids - AI and ICT applications |
Condition Monitoring |
Lightning Protection |
Power System Analyses |
EV Powertrain control |
Solar PV systems, Organic Solar Cells, Modelling and Simulation |
Electric Vehicles |
AI, Control and Optimization Techniques for Renewable Energy Integration |
Agent Based Modeling in Power Systems |
Multilevel Inverters |
SRM Motor Drives and PV Applications |
Smart Meter Data Analytics and Optimization |
Control, Robotics and Automation
Control, Robotics and Automation systems Design |
Controllers for Power Electronic Applications |
Optimal Control Theory and Optimization |
Dynamic Systems and Control Theory |
Nonlinear Systems and Control |
Complex Dynamic Systems |
Computer Vision for Autonomous Navigation |
System Modeling and Identification |
Mobile Robotics |
Bioinspired Robotics |
Industrial Robotics |
Computer Vision |
AI Applications in Robotic Control |
Human-Computer-Interfacing |
Filed Robotics (Agricultural Robotics/ Underwater Robotics/ Service Robotics) |
Computer Vision for Autonomous Navigation |
Fuzzy Control for Autonomous Navigation |
Research Groups
Department has several active groups conducting research within the department as well as in collaboration with National and International partners.