

JOURNAL ARTICLES (2015 onwards)


Jagath Kumara, K. D. R. (2024), A top-mounted, chain-driven, bidirectional point absorber type wave energy convertor, Energy Reports, Elsevier, vol 12, 360-1384
Maghami, M. R., Pasupuleti, J., & Ekanayake, J. (2024). Energy storage and demand response as hybrid mitigation technique for photovoltaic grid connection: Challenges and future trendsJournal of Energy Storage88, 111680.
Jamal, S., Pasupuleti, J., & Ekanayake, J. (2024). A rule-based energy management system for hybrid renewable energy sources with battery bank optimized by genetic algorithm optimizationScientific Reports14(1), 4865.
Egodawela S, Khodadadian Gostar A, Buddika HADS, Dammika AJ, Harischandra N, Navaratnam S, Mahmoodian M (2024). A Deep Learning Approach for Surface Crack Classification and Segmentation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Assisted Infrastructure Inspections, Sensors, 24(6):1936
Uduwawala, D., Weerasekera, R., & Gunawardena, A. (2024). Complex Impedance Transformation using Symmetric Coupled Microstrip Lines of Adjusted Electrical LengthsIEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology.
Yapa, C., de Alwis, C., Liyanage, M., & Ekanayake, J. (2024). Utilization of a blockchainized reputation management service for performance enhancement of Smart Grid 2.0 applicationsJournal of Industrial Information Integration, 100580.
Udayanga, D., Serasinghe, A., Dassanayake, S., Godaliyadda, R., Herath, V., Ekanayake, M. P., & Malshan, P. (2024). Dual mode multispectral imaging system for food and agricultural product quality estimationIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
Palitharathna, K. W., Suraweera, H. A., Godaliyadda, R. I., Herath, V. R., & Ding, Z. (2024). Neural Network-Based Blockage Prediction and Optimization in Lightwave Power Transfer-Enabled Hybrid VLC/RF Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 5237-5248
C. -F. Liu, N. D. Wickramasinghe, H. A. Suraweera, M. Bennis and M. Debbah, (2024). URLLC-Aware Proactive UAV Placement in Internet of Vehicles, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp 1-6
Smida, B., Sabharwal, A., Fodor, G., Alexandropoulos, G. C., Suraweera, H. A., & Chae, C. B. (2023). Guest Editorial Full Duplex and its Applications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 41(9), 2725-2728
Smida, B., Sabharwal, A., Fodor, G., Alexandropoulos, G. C., Suraweera, H. A., & Chae, C. B. (2023). Full-duplex wireless for 6G: Progress brings new opportunities and challenges. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 41(90), 2729 – 2750
Papanikolaou, V. K., Tegos, S. A., Palitharathna, K. W., Diamantoulakis, P. D., Suraweera, H. A., Khalighi, M. A., & Karagiannidis, G. K. (2023). Simultaneous Lightwave Information and Power Transfer in 6G Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine
Psomas, C., Smith, P. J., Suraweera, H. A., & Krikidis, I. (2023). Continuous fluid antenna systems: Modeling and analysis. IEEE Communications Letters. 27(12), 3370-3374
Weligampola, H., Ramanayake, L., Ranasinghe, Y., Ilangarathna, G., Senarath, N., Samarakoon, B., ... & Tilakaratne, G. (2023). Pandemic Simulator: An Agent-Based Framework with Human Behavior Modeling for Pandemic-Impact Assessment to Build Sustainable Communities. Sustainability, 15(14), 11120
Wickramathilaka, H. M. K. D., Fernando, D., Jayasundara, D., Wickramasinghe, D., Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., ... & Weerasooriya, H. M. H. K. (2023). GAUSS: Guided encoder-decoder Architecture for hyperspectral Unmixing with Spatial Smoothness. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 56(1), 2277213
Jaslin, S. K., Navaratne, M. A. U. S., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2023). Agent-based modelling of electric vehicle behaviour in a university environment. Ceylon Journal of Science, 52(3), 339-350
Jayasundara, J. M. V. D. B., Ramanayake, R. M. L. S., Senarath, H. M. N. B., Herath, H. M. S. L., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., ... & Ariyawansa, S. (2023). Deep learning for automated fish grading. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 14, 100711.
Rathnayake, R. M. M. R., Maduranga, M. W. P., Tilwari, V., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2023). RSSI and Machine Learning-Based Indoor Localization Systems for Smart Cities. Eng, 4(2), 1468-1494.
Umasha, J., Wijayakulasooriya, J., & Ranaweera, R. (2023). High-Dimensional Feature Space for Diabetes Diagnosis and Identification of Diabetic-Sensitive Features in Ayurvedic Nadi Signals. Current Research in Traditional Medicine, 1(1), 1-9
Wijesiri, T., Ilangarathna, G., Dedunupitiya, W., Ekanayake, J., Yatigammana, S., Pinnawala, M., ... & Ekanayake, P. The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Women in the Households: Qualitative Analysis of Women’s Quality of Life and Mental Health. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 7, 610-622
S. S. Kuruppu, S. G. Abeyratne and S. Hettiarachchi (2023). Modeling and detection of dynamic position sensor offset error in PMSM drives, in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 36741-36752
Herath, S., Weerasooriya, H. K., Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., Bandara, W. G. C., Herath, V. R., Godaliyadda, R. I., ... & Madhujith, T. (2023). Quantitative assessment of adulteration of coconut oil using transmittance multispectral imaging. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1-9. 2.
Jayatilaka, G., Hassan, J., Sritharan, S., Senanayaka, J. B., Weligampola, H., Godaliyadda, R.,  & Dharmaratne, S. (2022). Holistic interpretation of public scenes using computer vision and temporal graphs to identify social distancing violations. Applied Sciences, 12(17), 8428.
Devisowjanya Potti, Gulam Nabi Alsath Mohammed, Kirubaveni Savarimuthu, Malathi Kanagasabai, Venkata Ramana Rao Yeragudipati, Jeevani W. Jayasinghe and Disala N. Uduwawala (2022). An optically transparent circularly polarized ultrahigh-frequency radio frequency identification reader antenna, International journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 32, No.8
Shanmathi Shanmuganathan, Malathi Kanagasabai, Gulam Nabi Alsath Mohammed, Ramana Rao Yeragudipati, Shini Ramadoss, Jeevani W. Jayasinghe & Disala N. Uduwawala (2022). Miniaturized wideband 5G millimeter-wave antenna with two-port positioning analysis for vehicular communication, Applied Physics A, volume 128, Article number: 823.
Karunarathne, E., Wijesekera, A., Samaranayake, L., Binduhewa, P., & Ekanayake, J. (2022). On the implementation of hybrid energy storage for range and battery life extension of an electrified Tuk-Tuk. Journal of Energy Storage, 46, 103897
Samaranayake, L., Ugalde-Loo, C. E., Adeuyi, O. D., Licari, J., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2022). Multi-terminal DC grid with wind power injection. Wind, 2(1), 17-36.
Herath, A., Manaz, M. M., Liyanage, K. M., Masuta, T., Lu, C. N., & Nishio, K. (2022). Frequency excursion likelihood constrained resource scheduling for large-scale renewable energy integration. IEEE Access, 10, 90563-90575.
Weerakoon, N. S., & Liyanage, K. M. (2022). Effect of data aggregation on the delay of demand-response communications within a Wi-Fi home area network with and without other traffic. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 9(8): 49-54
Dissanayake, R., Wijethunge, A., Wijayakulasooriya, J., & Ekanayake, J. (2022). Optimizing pv-hosting capacity with the integrated employment of dynamic line rating and voltage regulation. Energies, 15(22), 8537.
Kuruppu, S. S., & Abeyratne, S. G. (2022). Disambiguation of uniform demagnetization fault from position sensor fault in FOC PMSM Applications. IEEE Access, 10, 103099-103110.
Abdelrahim, M., Alkawsi, G., Alkahtani, A. A., Alhasan, A. M., Khudari, M., Abdul Kadir, M. R., ... & Tiong, S. K. (2022). Techno-economic analysis of a wind-energy-based charging station for electric vehicles in high-rise buildings in Malaysia. Energies, 15(15), 5412.
Ilangarathna, G., Weligampola, H., Ranasinghe, Y., Attygalla, E., Godaliyaddha, R., Herath, V., ... & Ekanayake, J. (2022). Artificial intelligence framework for threat assessment and containment for covid-19 and future epidemics while mitigating the socioeconomic impact to women, children, and underprivileged groups. In Meeting Global Challenges: A Transdisciplinary and Transnational Approach (p. 251).
Palitharathna, K. W., Suraweera, H. A., Godaliyadda, R. I., Herath, V. R., & Thompson, J. S. (2022). Neural network-based channel estimation and detection in spatial modulation vlc systems. IEEE Communications Letters, 26(7), 1598-1602.
Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., Weerasooriya, H. K., Herath, S., Ekanayake, M. B., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Madhujith, T. (2022). Transmittance multispectral imaging for reheated coconut oil differentiation. IEEE Access, 10, 12530-12547.
Palitharathna, K. W., Suraweera, H. A., Godaliyadda, R. I., Herath, V. R., & Ding, Z. (2022). Lightwave power transfer in full-duplex NOMA underwater optical wireless communication systems. IEEE Communications Letters, 26(3), 622-626.
Somathilake, E., Delay, U. H., Senanayaka, J. B., Gunarathne, S. L., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, M. P., ... & Rathnayake, C. (2022). Assessment of fetal and maternal well-being during pregnancy using passive wearable inertial sensor. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71, 1-11.
Ilangarathna, G. A., Ranasinghe, Y., Weligampola, H., Attygalla, E., Ekanayake, J., Yatigammana, S., ... & Dharmarathne, S. (2022). A comprehensive overview of education during three COVID-19 pandemic periods: impact on engineering students in Sri Lanka. Education Sciences, 12(3), 197.
Gunasekara, S., Gunarathna, D., Dissanayake, M. B., Aramith, S., & Muhammad, W. (2022). Deep learning based autonomous real-time traffic sign recognition system for advanced driver assistance. I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 6, 70-83
Dissanayake, M. (2022). Artificial intelligence for healthcare systems of developing world: opportunities and risks. Advances in Technology, 263-265.
Kularatne, W. D., Dissawa, L. H., Ekanayake, T. M. S. S. K., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2022). Developing and delivering a remote experiment based on the experiential learning framework during COVID-19 pandemic.  International Journal of Asian Education, 3(1), 1–12.
Jagath Kumara, K. D. R. (2022). On the placement of a wave manipulator suitable for energy harnessing in the Nearshore. Cogent Engineering, 9(1), 2124636.
Nayak, N., Kalyani, S., & Suraweera, H. A. (2022). A DRL approach for RIS-assisted full-duplex UL and DL transmission: Beamforming, Phase Shift and Power Optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.13854.
Roberts, I. P., & Suraweera, H. A. (2022). Full-Duplex transceivers for next-generation wireless communication systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.08094.
Wijewardhana, K. R., Suraweera, H. A., & Smith, P. J. (2022). Ray-Based versus statistical channel models. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 11(12), 2675-2679.
Vasa, S. K., Chakraborty, M., Sharma, E., & Suraweera, H. A. (2022). Downlink Spectral Efficiency of RIS-Assisted Cell-Free Massive MIMO-NOMA Systems With CSI Errors. In 2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops, pp. 1016-1021
Kumara, S., Bandara, K., Wickramasuriya, P., Yousuf, F., Ekanayake, C., Fernando, M., ... & Gubanski, S. M. (2021). Frequency domain measurements for diagnosis of power transformers: experiences from Australia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and UK. CIGRE Sci. Eng.(CSE), 2021, 82-107.
Karunarathne, E., Wijethunge, A., & Ekanayake, J. (2021). Enhancing PV hosting capacity using voltage control and employing dynamic line rating. Energies, 15(1), 134.
Manamperi, D. I., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). Performance comparison of optimum power flow based on the sequential second‐order cone programming in unbalanced low voltage distribution networks with distributed generators. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 31(12), e13224.
Sarhan, A., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Kiong, T. S., & Ekanayake, J. (2021). Impact of techno‐economic parameters on the power systems model with high share of renewable energy and energy storage. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 31(11), e13073.
Gunasekara, S., Gunarathna, D., & Dissanayake, M. (2021). Advanced driver-assistance system with traffic sign recognition for safe and efficient driving. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 9(9), 11-15.
Kanesamoorthy, K., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2021). Prediction of treatment failure of tuberculosis using support vector machine with genetic algorithm. International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 10(3), 279.
Dissanayake, M. B., & Ekanayake, N. (2021). On the exact performance analysis of molecular communication via diffusion for internet of bio-nano things. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 20(3), 291-295.
Gunasekara, S. R., Kaldera, H. N. T. K., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2021). A systematic approach for MRI brain tumor localization and segmentation using deep learning and active contouring. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021, 1-13.
Dasanayaka, C., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2021). Deep learning methods for screening pulmonary tuberculosis using chest X-rays. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 9(1), 39-49
Dissanayake, M. B. (2021). Feature Engineering for Cyber-attack detection in Internet of Things. International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies, 11(6), 46-54.
Kumari, R. M. L. N., Bandara, G. A. C. T., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2021). Sylvester matrix-based similarity estimation method for automation of defect detection in textile fabrics. Journal of Sensors, 2021, 1-11.
Hassan, A. J., Marikkar, U., Prabhath, G. K., Balachandran, A., Bandara, W. C., Ekanayake, P. B., ... & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). A sensitivity matrix approach using two-stage optimization for voltage regulation of LV networks with high PV penetration. Energies, 14(20), 6596.
Ajmal, A. M., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Tomar, A., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). Optimal dynamic reconfiguration of large‐scale PV plant under partial shading conditions based on two reconfigurable stages. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 31(10), e12746.
Dissawa, L. H., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, P. B., Agalgaonkar, A. P., Robinson, D., Ekanayake, J. B., & Perera, S. (2021). Sky image-based localized, short-term solar irradiance forecasting for multiple pv sites via cloud motion tracking. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2021, 1-27.
Almeida, D., Pasupuleti, J., & Ekanayake, J. (2021). Comparison of reactive power control techniques for solar PV inverters to mitigate voltage rise in low-voltage grids. Electronics, 10(13), 1569.
Jathunga, T. G., Wijethunga, A. H., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). Impact of inertia constant on frequency dynamics of a power system. Ceylon Journal of Science, 50(1), 3-10.
Karunarathne, E., Pasupuleti, J., Ekanayake, J., & Almeida, D. (2021). The optimal placement and sizing of distributed generation in an active distribution network with several soft open points. Energies, 14(4), 1084.
Vasudevan, K. R., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Venugopal, G., Guerrero, J. M., Ekanayake, J. B., & Tiong, S. K. (2021). Variable-speed PICO Hydel energy storage with synchronverter control to emulate virtual inertia in autonomous microgrids. IEEE Systems Journal, 16(1), 452-463.
Almeida, D., Pasupuleti, J., & Ekanayake, J. (2021). Performance evaluation of PV penetration at different locations in a LV distribution network connected with an off-load tap changing transformer. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 21(2), 987-993.
Karunarathne, E., Pasupuleti, J., Ekanayake, J., & Almeida, D. (2021). Network loss reduction and voltage improvement by optimal placement and sizing of distributed generators with active and reactive power injection using fine-tuned PSO. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 21(2), 647-656.
Noman, F., Alkawsi, G., Alkahtani, A. A., Al-Shetwi, A. Q., Tiong, S. K., Alalwan, N., ... & Alzahrani, A. I. (2021). Multistep short-term wind speed prediction using nonlinear auto-regressive neural network with exogenous variable selection. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 60(1), 1221-1229.
Alkawsi, G. A., Ali, N., Mustafa, A. S., Baashar, Y., Alhussian, H., Alkahtani, A., ... & Ekanayake, J. (2021). A hybrid SEM-neural network method for identifying acceptance factors of the smart meters in Malaysia: challenges perspective. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 60(1), 227-240.
Dallatu Abbas, U., Tiong, S. K., Alkahtani, A. A., Chen, C. P., Alkawsi, G., & Ekanayake, J. (2021). Power curve evaluation of micro-scale turbines for harvesting wind energy in Malaysia. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci, 15, 59-71.
Bandara, W. G. C., Almeida, D., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, M. P., & Ekanayake, J. (2021). A complete state estimation algorithm for a three-phase four-wire low voltage distribution system with high penetration of solar PV. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 124, 106332.
Perera, N., Jafari, A., Soleimanzadeh, R., Bollier, N., Abeyratne, S. G., & Matioli, E. (2021). Hard-switching losses in power FETs: The role of output capacitance. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 37(7), 7604-7616.
Ekanayake, E. M. M. B., Weerasooriya, H. M. H. K., Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., Herath, S., Rathnayake, B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., ... & Herath, H. M. V. R. (2021). Constrained nonnegative matrix factorization for blind hyperspectral unmixing incorporating endmember independence. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 11853-11869.
Palitharathna, K. W., Suraweera, H. A., Godaliyadda, R. I., Herath, V. R., & Thompson, J. S. (2021). Average rate analysis of cooperative NOMA aided underwater optical wireless systems. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2, 2292-2310.
Hassan, A. J., Marikkar, U., Prabhath, G. K., Balachandran, A., Bandara, W. C., Ekanayake, P. B., ... & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). A sensitivity matrix approach using two-stage optimization for voltage regulation of LV networks with high PV penetration. Energies, 14(20), 6596.
Delay, U., Nawarathne, T., Dissanayake, S., Gunarathne, S., Withanage, T., Godaliyadda, R., ... & Wijayakulasooriya, J. (2021). Novel non-invasive in-house fabricated wearable system with a hybrid algorithm for fetal movement recognition. Plos one, 16(7), e0254560.
Dissawa, L. H., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, P. B., Agalgaonkar, A. P., Robinson, D., Ekanayake, J. B., & Perera, S. (2021). Sky image-based localized, short-term solar irradiance forecasting for multiple pv sites via cloud motion tracking. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2021, 1-27.
Perera, M. A. N., Katz, M., Häkkinen, J., & Godaliyadda, R. (2021). Light-based IoT: developing a full-duplex energy autonomous IoT node using printed electronics technology. Sensors, 21(23), 8024.
Ekanayake, E. M. M. B., Weerasooriya, H. M. H. K., Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., Herath, S., Rathnayake, B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., ... & Herath, H. M. V. R. (2021). Constrained nonnegative matrix factorization for blind hyperspectral unmixing incorporating endmember independence. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 11853-11869.
Hassan, A. J., Marikkar, U., Prabhath, G. K., Balachandran, A., Bandara, W. C., Ekanayake, P. B., ... & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). A sensitivity matrix approach using two-stage optimization for voltage regulation of LV networks with high PV penetration. Energies, 14(20), 6596.
Marikkar, U., Weligampola, H., Perera, R., Hassan, J., Sritharan, S., Jayatilaka, G., ... & Dharmaratne, S. (2021). A generalized forecasting solution to enable future insights of COVID-19 at sub-national level resolutions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.09556.
Wijethunga, P. W. S. I., Chandrawansa, I. A., Rathnayake, B. M. D. T., Harischandra, W. A. N. I., Weerakoon, W. M. M. T. S., & Samaranayake, B. G. L. T. (2021). Control of a 6DOF mobile manipulator with object detection and tracking using stereo vision. J. Instrumentation. 8(1), 1-13
Kumara, S., Fernando, M., Aravinda, T. N., Daulagala, D. S., Bandara, A. P., Bandara, K., ... & Jayantha, G. A. (2020). Condition assessment of 132/220 kV oil-paper current transformers in Sri Lanka. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 36(6), 21-30.
Herath, T., Kumara, S., Bandara, K., Wijayakulasooriya, J., Fernando, M., & Jayanatha, G. A. (2020). Field verification of a novel and simple partial discharge detection method for generator applications. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 14(7), 835-843.
Kumara, S., & Fernando, M. (2020). Performance of outdoor insulators in tropical conditions of Sri Lanka. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 36(4), 26-35.
Srinivasan, V., Fernando, M., Kumara, S., Selvaraj, T., & Cooray, V. (2020). Modeling and assessment of lightning hazards to humans in heritage monuments in India and Sri Lanka. IEEE Access, 8, 228032-228048.
Bandara, W. C., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2020). Coordinated photovoltaic re-phasing: A novel method to maximize renewable energy integration in low voltage networks by mitigating network unbalances. Applied Energy, 280, 116022.
Karunarathne, E., Pasupuleti, J., Ekanayake, J., & Almeida, D. (2020). Optimal placement and sizing of DGs in distribution networks using MLPSO algorithm. Energies, 13(23), 6185.
Chaminda Bandara, W. G., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2020). Coordinated PV re-phasing: a novel method to maximize renewable energy integration in LV networks by mitigating network unbalances. Applied Energy, 280.
Wong, L. A., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Walker, S. L., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2020). Optimal placement and sizing of battery energy storage system considering the duck curve phenomenon. IEEE access, 8, 197236-197248.
Karunarathne, E., Pasupuleti, J., Ekanayake, J., & Almeida, D. (2020). Comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization for sizing and placement of distributed generation for network loss reduction. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 20(1), 16-23.
Almeida, D., Abeysinghe, S., Ekanayake, M. P., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, J., & Pasupuleti, J. (2020). Generalized approach to assess and characterise the impact of solar PV on LV networks. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 121, 106058.
Almeida, D., Pasupuleti, J., Ekanayake, J., & Karunarathne, E. (2020). Mitigation of overvoltage due to high penetration of solar photovoltaics using smart inverters volt/var control. Indones. J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci, 19(3), 1259-1266.
Noman, F., Alkahtani, A. A., Agelidis, V., Tiong, K. S., Alkawsi, G., & Ekanayake, J. (2020). Wind-energy-powered electric vehicle charging stations: Resource availability data analysis. Applied Sciences, 10(16), 5654.
Koay, Y. Y., Tan, J. D., Koh, S. P., Chong, K. H., Tiong, S. K., & Ekanayake, J. (2020). Optimization of wind energy conversion systems–an artificial intelligent approach. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 11(2), 1040.
Yong, J. Y., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Tan, K. M., Pouryekta, A., Ekanayake, J. B., & Jayasinghe, A. E. (2020). Testing guidelines for connection of solar photovoltaic farm to distribution grid: The Malaysian experience. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 30(6), e12371.
Huy, P. D., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Yong, J. Y., Tan, K. M., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2020). Optimal placement, sizing and power factor of distributed generation: A comprehensive study spanning from the planning stage to the operation stage. Energy, 195, 117011.
Bandara, W. G. C., Prabhath, G. W. K., Dissanayake, D. W. S. C. B., Herath, V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., ... & Madhujith, T. (2020). Validation of multispectral imaging for the detection of selected adulterants in turmeric samples. Journal of Food Engineering, 266, 109700.
Rathnayake, B., Ekanayake, E. M. M. B., Weerakoon, K., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Herath, H. M. V. R. (2020). Graph-based blind hyperspectral unmixing via nonnegative matrix factorization. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(9), 6391-6409.
Akram, M., Godaliyadda, R., & Ekanayake, P. (2020). Design and analysis of an optical camera communication system for underwater applications. IET Optoelectronics, 14(1), 10-21.
Weerasooriya, H. M. H. K., Lakmal, H. M. S., Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., Bandara, W. G. C., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., ... & Madujith, T. (2020, June). Transmittance multispectral imaging for edible oil quality assessment. In 3D image acquisition and display: technology, perception and applications (pp. JW5C-8). Optica Publishing Group.
Welikala, S., Thelasingha, N., Akram, M., Ekanayake, P. B., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2019). Implementation of a robust real-time non-intrusive load monitoring solution. Applied energy, 238, 1519-1529.
Gunasekara, S. R., Kaldera, H. N. T. K., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2020). A feasibility study for Deep learning based automated brain tumor segmentation using Magnetic Resonance Images. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.11952.
Herath, T., Kumara, S., Bandara, K., Wijayakulasooriya, J., Fernando, M., & Jayanatha, G. A. (2020). Field verification of a novel and simple partial discharge detection method for generator applications. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 14(7), 835-843.
Matthiesen, B., Jorswieck, E. A., Suraweera, H. A., Yang, J., Zappone, A., & Thompson, J. S. (2020). Optimization techniques for energy efficiency. Green Communications for Energy-Efficient Wireless Systems and Networks, 91, 27.
Mohammadi, M., Chalise, B. K., Suraweera, H. A., Ngo, H. Q., & Ding, Z. (2020). Design and analysis of full-duplex massive antenna array systems based on wireless power transfer. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69(2), 1302-1316.
Lin, B., Zhao, L., Suraweera, H. A., Luan, T. H., Niyato, D., & Hoang, D. T. (2020). Guest editorial special issue on Internet of Things for smart ocean. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7(10), 9675-9677.
Chopra, R., Murthy, C. R., Suraweera, H. A., & Larsson, E. G. (2020). Blind channel estimation for downlink massive MIMO systems with imperfect channel reciprocity. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 68, 3132-3145.
Mohammadi, M., Chalise, B. K., Suraweera, H. A., & Ding, Z. (2020). Full-duplex non-orthogonal multiple access systems. Full-Duplex Communications for Future Wireless Networks, 181-218.
Gunasekara, S., Kaldera, H., Harischandra, N., & Samaranayake, L. (2019). Distance estimation and material classification of a compliant tactile sensor using vibration modes and support vector machine. J. Instrumentation. 6(1), 34-47
Vigna, K. R., Gomathi, V., Ekanayake, J. B., & Tiong, S. K. (2019). Modelling and simulation of variable speed pico hydel energy storage system for microgrid applications. Journal of Energy Storage, 24, 100808.
Wijethunge, A. H., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., Ekanayake, J. B., & Polpitiya, A. (2019). Coordinated operation of the constituent components of a community energy system to maximize benefits while considering the network constraints. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2019, 1-16.
Surawimala, W. M. N., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2019). Assessing the service condition of an electrical panel board. Ceylon J. Sci, 48(2), 113.
Welikala, S., Thelasingha, N., Akram, M., Ekanayake, P. B., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2019). Implementation of a robust real-time non-intrusive load monitoring solution. Applied energy, 238, 1519-1529.
Almeida, D. W., Abeysinghe, A. H. M. S. M. S., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2019). Analysis of rooftop solar impacts on distribution networks. Ceylon J. Sci, 48(2), 103-112.
Herath, A., Kodituwakku, S., Dasanayake, D., Binduhewa, P., Ekanayake, J., & Samarakoon, K. (2019). Comparison of optimization-and rule-based EMS for domestic PV-Battery installation with time-varying local SoC limits. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2019.
Wong, L. A., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Taylor, P., Ekanayake, J. B., Walker, S. L., & Padmanaban, S. (2019). Review on the optimal placement, sizing and control of an energy storage system in the distribution network. Journal of Energy Storage, 21, 489-504.
Dewasurendra, S. D., Vidanapathirana, A. C., & Abeyratne, S. G. (2019). Integrating runtime validation and hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) testing with V & V in complex hybrid systems. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 47(4).
Ekanayake, E. M. M. B., Vithana, S. S. P., Ekanayake, E. M. H. E. B., Rathnayake, A. R. M. A. N., Abeysekara, A. M. R., Oorloff, T. S. J., ... & Senaratne, A. (2019). Mapping ilmenite deposit in Pulmudai, Sri Lanka using a hyperspectral imaging-based surface mineral mapping method. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 47(3), 271-284.
Vithana, S. S. P., Ekanayake, E. M. M. B., Ekanayake, E. M. H. E. B., Rathnayake, A. R. M. A. N., Jayatilaka, G. C., Herath, H. M. V. R., ... & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2019). Adaptive hierarchical clustering for hyperspectral image classification: Umbrella clustering. Journal of Spectral Imaging, 8.
Akram, M., Godaliyadda, R., & Ekanayake, P. (2020). Design and analysis of an optical camera communication system for underwater applications. IET Optoelectronics, 14(1), 10-21.
Harischandra, N., Clare, A. J., Zakotnik, J., Blackburn, L. M., Matheson, T., & Dürr, V. (2019). Evaluation of linear and non-linear activation dynamics models for insect muscle. PLOS Computational Biology, 15(10), e1007437.
Rathnapala, J., Jayathilake, M., Rathnayake, R., Samaranayake, L., & Harischandra, N. (2019). Sensor-less terrain estimation and torque control of a wheeled mobile robot. J. Instrumentation, 6(2), 41-48
Dissanayake, M. B., Deng, Y., Nallanathan, A., Elkashlan, M., & Mitra, U. (2019). Interference mitigation in large-scale multiuser molecular communication. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67(6), 4088-4103.
Laksiri, H. G. C. R., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., & Dharmagunawardhana, H. A. C. (2019). Design and development of an IoT based intelligent controller for smart irrigation. American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 7(4), 105-115.
Yelameli, M., Thornton, B., Takahashi, T., Weerakoon, T., & Ishii, K. (2019). Classification and statistical analysis of hydrothermal seafloor rocks measured underwater using laser‐induced breakdown spectroscopy. Journal of Chemometrics, 33(2), e3092.
Batewela, S., Liu, C. F., Bennis, M., Suraweera, H. A., & Hong, C. S. (2019). Risk-sensitive task fetching and offloading for vehicular edge computing. IEEE Communications Letters, 24(3), 617-621.
Mobini, Z., Mohammadi, M., Chalise, B. K., Suraweera, H. A., & Ding, Z. (2019). Beamforming design and performance analysis of full-duplex cooperative NOMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 18(6), 3295-3311.
Mohammadi, M., Shi, X., Chalise, B. K., Ding, Z., Suraweera, H. A., Zhong, C., & Thompson, J. S. (2019). Full-duplex non-orthogonal multiple access for next generation wireless systems. IEEE Communications Magazine, 57(5), 110-116.
Chopra, R., Murthy, C. R., Suraweera, H. A., & Larsson, E. G. (2019). Analysis of nonorthogonal training in massive MIMO under channel aging with SIC receivers. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 26(2), 282-286.
Fotouhi, A., Propp, K., Samaranayake, L., Auger, D., & Longo, S. (2018). A hardware-in-the-loop test rig for development of electric vehicle battery identification and state estimation algorithms. International Journal of Powertrains, 7(1-3), 227-248.
Zhang, A., Cheng, M., Yang, W., Li, Q., & Ekanayake, J. (2018). Adaptive black-box equivalent modeling of multiple marine micro-grids interconnected through subsea cables. IEEE Access, 6, 75988-75996.
Jagath Kumara, K. D. R., Weerasinghe, W. M. A. R., Nawagamuwa, R. L., & Dias, D. D. (2018). Wave energy enhancement for nearshore electricity generationEngineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, 51(2), pp.43–52.
Wijethunga, A., Ekanayake, J. B., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2018). Collector cable design based on dynamic line rating for wind energy applications. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 46(1).
Gunawardena, A. U. A. W. (2018). An efficient algorithm to calculate relative permittivity from multi-layered stripline based measurements at microwave frequencies. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 46(1).
Abeysekara, R., Oorloff, S., Herath, V., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., & Rupasinghe, A. (2018). Comparison of two algorithms for land cover mapping based on hyperspectral imagery. The International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, 11(1).
Herath, H. M. V. R., & Wimalarathna, G. H. I. (2018). An Eight-Octant bipolar junction transistor analog multiplier circuit and its applications. Ceylon Journal of Science, 47(2), 143-151.
Bomela, W. B., Dasanayake, I. S., Li, J. S., Chen, Y., & Kiss, I. Z. (2018). Optimal phase-to-phase control of chemical oscillations. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(23), 7764-7770.
Mohammadi, M., Chalise, B. K., Hakimi, A., Mobini, Z., Suraweera, H. A., & Ding, Z. (2018). Beamforming design and power allocation for full-duplex non-orthogonal multiple access cognitive relaying. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 66(12), 5952-5965.
Mohammadi, M., Suraweera, H. A., & Tellambura, C. (2018). Uplink/downlink rate analysis and impact of power allocation for full-duplex cloud-RANs. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17(9), 5774-5788.
Zhong, C., Liang, H., Lin, H., Suraweera, H. A., Qu, F., & Zhang, Z. (2018). Energy beamformer and time split design for wireless powered two-way relaying systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17(6), 3723-3736.
Abeysekara, R., Oorloff, S., Herath, V., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., & Rupasinghe, A. (2018). Comparison of two algorithms for land cover mapping based on hyperspectral imagery. The International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, 11(1).
Abeysekara, A. H. A. D., Kumara, J. R. S. S., Fernando, M. A. R. M., Eakanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2017). Remote leakage current detector for identification of insulators discharges. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 24(4), 2449-2458.
Dinesh, C., Welikala, S., Liyanage, Y., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, J. (2017). Non-intrusive load monitoring under residential solar power influx. Applied energy, 205, 1068-1080.
Welikala, S., Dinesh, C., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, J. (2017). Incorporating appliance usage patterns for non-intrusive load monitoring and load forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(1), 448-461.
Samarasinghe, W. M. S. C., Kumara, J. R. S. S., Fernando, M. A. R. M., & Gunawardena, A. U. (2017). Aging assesment of transformer pressboard insulation by micro-strip ring resonator at GHz frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 24(3), 1923-1930.
Abeysekara, A. M. R., Oorloff, T. S. J., Vithana, S. S. P., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2017). Land cover classification and sub component analysis using hyperspectral imagery. The Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) Transactions, PART B, 385-390.
Dissanayake, M. B., Deng, Y., Nallanathan, A., Ekanayake, E. M. N., & Elkashlan, M. (2017). Reed solomon codes for molecular communication with a full absorption receiver. IEEE Communications Letters, 21(6), 1245-1248.
Malkanthi, C., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2017). Brain tumor boundary segmentation of MR imaging using spatial domain image processing. Int. J. Innovation Educ. Res, 5, 1-9.
Bandara, A. I., Binduhewa, P., Samaranayake, L., & Ekanayake, J. (2017). Novel energy management system for a DC microGrid. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(10), 141-152.
Madhushani, T. W. U., Maithripala, D. H. S., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., & Berg, J. M. (2017). Semi-globally exponential trajectory tracking for a class of spherical robots. Automatica, 85, 327-338.
Herath, H. M. L. N. K., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2017). Auto regressive moving average model base speech synthesis for phoneme transitions. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 19, 103-109.
Chopra, R., Murthy, C. R., Suraweera, H. A., & Larsson, E. G. (2017). Performance analysis of FDD massive MIMO systems under channel aging. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17(2), 1094-1108.
Banerjee, B., Al Haija, A. A., Tellambura, C., & Suraweera, H. A. (2017). Simple and accurate low SNR ergodic capacity approximations. IEEE Communications Letters, 22(2), 356-359.
Mohammadi, M., Shi, X., Chalise, B. K., Suraweera, H. A., Zhong, C., & Thompson, J. S. (2017). Full-Duplex non-orthogonal multiple access for modern wireless networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.11062.
Chalise, B. K., Suraweera, H. A., Zheng, G., & Karagiannidis, G. K. (2017). Beamforming optimization for full-duplex wireless-powered MIMO systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 65(9), 3750-3764.
Liang, H., Zhong, C., Suraweera, H. A., Zheng, G., & Zhang, Z. (2017). Optimization and analysis of wireless powered multi-antenna cooperative systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16(5), 3267-3281.
Liang, H., Zhong, C., Chen, X., Suraweera, H. A., & Zhang, Z. (2017). Wireless powered dual-hop multi-antenna relaying systems: Impact of CSI and antenna correlation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16(4), 2505-2519.
Samarasinghe, W. M. S. C., Kumara, J. R. S. S., Fernando, M. A. R. M., Ahamed, A. C. M., & Gunawardena, A. U. A. W. (2016). Moisture estimation of transformer pressboard by micro-strip ring resonator at GHz frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 23(3), 1409-1417.
Karunathilake, M., & Ekanayake, J. (2016). Estimation of electricity network loss targets in Sri Lanka. SLEMA Journal, 19(2).
Wijayaratne, L., Binduhewa, P. J., Abeyratne, S. G., & Ekanayake, J. (2016). Dynamic voltage control of a smart distribution transformer. Control and Intelligent Systems, 44(3), 86-94.
Dinesh, C., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Ekanayake, J., & Perera, P. (2016). Non-intrusive load monitoring based on low frequency active power measurements. AIMS Energy, 4(3), 414-443.
Perera, N., Dissawa, L., Bandara, K., Binduhewa, P., & Ekanayake, J. (2016). Thirteen-level inverter for photovoltaic applications. AIMS Energy, 4(2), 397-413.
Jayasinghe, J. M. J. W., Anguera, J., Uduwawala, D. N., & Andújar, A. (2016). High-directivity genetic microstrip patch antenna. International Journal of Electronics Letters, 4(3), 279-286.
Abeyratne, S. G., Perera, N., Jayakody, H., Samarakoon, K., & Bulathge, R. (2016). Zero-current-switching pulse charger for high capacity batteries in renewable energy applications. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 44(3).
Perera, P. H., Herath, H. M. S. P. B., Fernando, W. S. K., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2016). Online tracking and event clustering for vision systems. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 44(4).
Ratnayake, T. A., Nettasinghe, D. B. W., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2016). An information rich subspace separation for non-stationary signal classification. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 44(3).
Perera, C., Amarakoon, S., Weerakoon, D., Godaliyadda, R., & Ekanayake, P. (2016). Enhanced feature space clustering via spectral parameter weighting for acoustic fingerprinting based indoor localization. Control and Intelligent Systems, 44(3)
Farnaz, Z., Sajith, H. S., Abeysekara, A. D., Welikala, S., Binduhewa, P. J., Ekanayake, P. B., & Samaranayake, L. (2016). DC motor torque control using state estimation. Control and Intelligent Systems, 44(3).
Gunendradasan, T., Dinesh, C., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. (2016). Expression negation and component selection algorithm for face recognition from single sample per person. Control Intell. Syst., 44(3).
Welikala, S., Liyanage, D., Abeysekara, A. D., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2016). Control Strategy for Navigation of a reconnaissance robotic System. Control & Intelligent Systems, 44(3).
Ranaweera, R. D., Kwon, M., Hu, S., Tamer Jr, G. G., Luh, W. M., & Talavage, T. M. (2016). Temporal pattern of acoustic imaging noise asymmetrically modulates activation in the auditory cortex. Hearing research, 331, 57-68.
Wijayaratne, L., Binduhewa, P. J., Abeyratne, S. G., & Ekanayake, J. (2016). Dynamic voltage control of a smart distribution transformer. Control and Intelligent Systems, 44(3), 86-94.
Zheng, G., Suraweera, H. A., & Krikidis, I. (2016). Optimization of hybrid cache placement for collaborative relaying. IEEE Communications Letters, 21(2), 442-445.
Chopra, R., Murthy, C. R., & Suraweera, H. A. (2016). On the throughput of large MIMO beamforming systems with channel aging. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 23(11), 1523-1527.
Thompson, J., Hu, R., Hua, Y., Suraweera, H. A., & Vukobratovic, D. (2016). Special issue on green communications. Journal of Communications and Networks, 18(4), 535-539.
Ding, H., da Costa, D. B., Suraweera, H. A., & Ge, J. (2016). Role selection cooperative systems with energy harvesting relays. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15(6), 4218-4233.
Li, X., Jin, S., Suraweera, H. A., Hou, J., & Gao, X. (2016). Statistical 3-D beamforming for large-scale MIMO downlink systems over Rician fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 64(4), 1529-1543.
Mohammadi, M., Chalise, B. K., Suraweera, H. A., Zhong, C., Zheng, G., & Krikidis, I. (2016). Throughput analysis and optimization of wireless-powered multiple antenna full-duplex relay systems. IEEE Transactions on communications, 64(4), 1769-1785.
Psomas, C., Mohammadi, M., Krikidis, I., & Suraweera, H. A. (2016). Impact of directionality on interference mitigation in full-duplex cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16(1), 487-502.
Psomas, C., Mohammadi, M., Krikidis, I., & Suraweera, H. A. (2016). Directional antennas for interference management in full-duplex cellular networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.02718.
Yapa, Y. M. C. N. B., Ekanayake, J. B., Wijesinghe, D. N. D., Samaranayake, B. G. L. T., & Liyanage, K. M. (2015). Parameter estimation of a low-power high-efficiency loosely coupled planer wireless power transfer system. IESL Transactions, Volume I, p.531-536
Licari, J., & Ekanayake, J. (2015). Coordinated inertia response from permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) based wind farms. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 43(4).
Dinesh, C., Nettasinghe, B. W., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Ekanayake, J., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2015). Residential appliance identification based on spectral information of low frequency smart meter measurements. IEEE Transactions on smart grid, 7(6), 2781-2792.
Licari, J., Ugalde‐Loo, C. E., Ekanayake, J. B., & Jenkins, N. (2015). Comparison of the performance and stability of two torsional vibration dampers for variable‐speed wind turbines. Wind Energy, 18(9), 1545-1559.
Wang, M., Mu, Y., Jia, H., Wu, J., Yao, X., Yu, X., & Ekanayake, J. (2015). A preventive control strategy for static voltage stability based on an efficient power plant model of electric vehicles. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 3(1), 103-113.
Nistor, S., Wu, J., Sooriyabandara, M., & Ekanayake, J. (2015). Capability of smart appliances to provide reserve services. Applied Energy, 138, 590-597.
Jayasinghe, J. W., Uduwawala, D. N., & Anguera, J. (2015). Increasing the directivity of a microstrip patch array by genetic optimization. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 43(1).
Jayasinghe, J. M. J. W., Anguera, J., Uduwawala, D. N., & Andújar, A. (2015). Genetic algorithm optimization of microstrip patch antennas for high-directivity applications. International Journal of Electronics Letters, (21681724.2015), 1034189.
Jayasinghe, J. M., & Uduwawala, D. (2015). A novel multiband miniature planar inverted F antenna design for bluetooth and WLAN applications. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2015.
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Safna, R. F., Manoshantha, E. J. N., Suraweera, S. A. T. S., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2015). Optimization of wireless pathloss model JTC for access point placement in wireless local area network. Proc. RSEA, 235-238.
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K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, D. D. Dias (2015). Near shore wave manipulation for electricity generation, WASET International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 7, 2015, pp. 683-692.






B. Smida, R. Wichman, K. E. Kolodziej, H. A. Suraweera, T. Riihonen and A. Sabharwal (2024), In-Band Full-Duplex: The Physical Layer, in Proceedings of the IEEE, doi: 10.1109/JPROC.2024.3366768.
Udayanga, D., Kumari, M. D. H. M., Athukorala, A. D. S. N. P., Godaliyadda, R., Herath, H. M. V. R., Ekanayake, P., ... & Abewickrama, K. K. (2024). Reflectance Multispectral Imaging for Fungal Growth Level Estimation. In 2024 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC) (pp. 289-294). IEEE.
Shukla, A., Mathuria, P., Bhakar, R., & Ekanayake, J. (2023). Energy commitment in prosumer-centric P2P energy trading via blockchain technology. In 2023 10th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Gamaethige, S. R., Mahmoodi, H. B., Salehi, M., Suraweera, H. A., & Tölli, A. (2023, June). Reduced Complexity Multicast Beamforming and User Grouping for Multi-Antenna Coded Caching. In 2023 IEEE Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), pp. 222-227
Lakmal, H. K. I. S., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2023). Illuminating the Roads: Night-to-Day Image Translation for Improved Visibility at Night. In International Conference on Asia Pacific Advanced Network, pp. 13-26
Lakmal, H. K. I. S., Dissanayake, M. B., & Aramvith, S. (2023). Enhancing Visual Fidelity in Unpaired Night-to-Day Image Translation through a Perceptual Quality Focused Training Objective. In 2023 7th SLAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI-ICAI), pp. 1-5
Palitharathna, K. W., Vegni, A. M., & Suraweera, H. A. (2023). SLIVER: A SLIPT-enabled IRS-assisted VLC system for energy optimization. In 2023 IEEE 20th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), pp. 143-151
Premakumara, R. P. E. I., Ekanayake, J. B., & Nawarathna, A. M. D. B. (2023). Travel Recommendation System for Domestic Travelers in Sri Lanka. In 2023 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC), pp. 238-243
Zumri, I. Z. M., Mahmood, M. L. A. S., Bandara, S., Fernando, M. A. R. M., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Herath, H. M. V. R., ... & Bandara, K. M. K. S. (2023). Spectral Imaging based Condition Assesment of Field Aged Power Transformers. In Imaging Systems and Applications (pp. ITh3E-4). Optica Publishing Group
Siriwardana, G. K., Jayawardhana, H. D., Bandara, W. U., Atapattu, S., & Herath, V. R. (2023, November). Federated Learning for Improved Automatic Modulation Classification: Data Heterogeneity and Low SNR Accuracy. In 2023 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), pp. 462-467
Herath, H. M. S. M., Jayasinghe, J. M. J. W. and Uduwawala, D. N. (2023). m-Segment Printed Log Periodic Dipole Array Antennas, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 97-102
Ranasinghe, U., Abeyrathne, S., Samaranayake, L., Weerakoon, T., Harischandra, N. and Dissanayake, G. (2023). Enhanced Frequency Domain Analysis for Detecting Wild Elephants in Asia using Acoustics, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 140-145
Thilakasiri, L. B. I. P., Alwis, D.M.P.M., Nanayakkara, R.T., Godaliyadda, G.M.R.I, Ekanayake, M.P.B., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. and Rathnayake, R.M.C.J. (2023). Fetal Movement Identification Using Spectrograms with Attention Aided Models and Identifying a Set of Correlating Parameters with Gestational Age, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 227-232
Thevarasa, N., Ananthajothy, G., Navaratnam, R. and Dissanayake, M. B. (2023). Weighted Ensemble Algorithm for Aerial Imaging Based Mosquito Breeding Sites Classification, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 347-352
Liyanage, G., Gimhana, K., Rathnayake, S., Gunawardena, A. U. A. W. and Uduwawala, D. N. (2023). Beamforming in Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Simulation, Prototype Design and Field Measurements, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 371-376
Senavirathna, S. K., Udawatte, H., Harischandra, N., Fernando, M. and Ekanayake, C. (2023). Image-Based Condition Monitoring of Transmission Line Conductors Using Image Processing and Deep Neural Networks, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 388-393
Meetiyagoda, S. H., Galagoda, R. W. N. W. M. R. O. K. B., Dissanayake, T. D. T. L., Fernando, M. A. R. M. and Abeygunasekara, W. L. (2023). Electric Field Analyses on High Voltage Insulator Surfaces Under Different Water Droplet Behaviors, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 394-399
Herath, A., Liyanage, K. M., Manaz, M. A. M. and Masuta, T. (2023). Flexibility Enhancement Process for Power System Planning, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 406-411
Jayarathne, S. K., Rajapakshe, O. P., Siriwardhana, S. M., Kim, K., Dassanayake, T. L., Harischandra, N., Wijayakulasooriya, J. and Ranaweera, R. (2023). A Pattern Recognition Neural Network Approach for an SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interface, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 447-452
Muthukuda, D., Ranasinghe, P., Morapitiya, P., Fernando, M., Wijayakulasooriya, J. and Bandara, K. (2023). AI Approach for FRA Based Condition Assessment of Power Transformers, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 477-482
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Ranasinghe, P., Muthukuda, D., Morapitiya, P., Dissanayake, M. B. and Lakmal, H. K. I. S. (2023). Deep Learning Based Low Light Enhancements for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems at Night, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 489-494
Sivasankar, S., Lawrance, K., Pirunthavan, B. and Dissanayake, M. B. (2023). Long-Run Real-Time Human Tracking at Low Light Condition, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 501-506
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Wickramathilaka, H. M. K. D., Ratnayake, R. M. K. L., Sumanasekara, D. M. U. P., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B. and Herath, H. M. V. R. (2023). Endmember Abundance Prediction in Hyperspectral Unmixing: The Impact of Endmember Extraction Algorithms and Self-Attention in Autoencoders, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 524-529
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Nawarathne, T., Withanage, T., Gunarathne, S., Delay, U., Somathilake, E., Senanayake, J., ... & Wijayakulasooriya, J. (2022). Comprehensive study on denoising of medical images utilizing neural network-based autoencoder. In Advanced Computational Paradigms and Hybrid Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of ICACCP 2021 (pp. 159-170).
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Gunasekara, S. R., Samaranayake, L., & Harischandra, N. (2021). Design of a computed torque controller based joint controller for PUMA 560 manipulator. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 353-358).
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Insaf, I. M., Wickramathilaka, H. M. K. D., Upendra, M. A. N., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Herath, H. M. V. R., ... & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). Global horizontal irradiance modeling from sky images using resnet architectures. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 239-244).
Karunarathne, E., Binduhewa, P., & Ekanayake, J. (2021). Single-Phase fault behaviour of grid connected three-phase solar plants. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 256-261).
Hassan, A. J., Sritharan, S., Jayatilaka, G., Herath, V., Ekanayake, P. B., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). Hands off: A handshake interaction detection and localization model for covid-19 threat control. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 197-202).
Karunarathna, Y., Wijayakulasooriya, J., Ekanayake, J., & Perera, P. (2021, September). Modelling and validation of arc-fault currents under resistive and inductive loads. In 2021 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE) (Vol. 4, pp. 211-215).
Manamperi, D. I., Dissawa, L. H., Arachchige, L. N., Binduhewa, P., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). Voltage control of three phase distribution systems with minimum cost. In 2021 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) (pp. 71-76).
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Udawatte, H. E., Rajapaksha, R. V. A. S., Warnakulasuriya, W. K. A. D., Binduhewa, P. J., Samaranayake, L., Abeyratne, S. G., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). Optimized LCL filter design for single phase solar i nverter. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 251-255).
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Anuradhi, U., Bandara, I., Chathurika, P., Abeyratne, S. G., Ekanayake, J., & Rathnayake, K. N. (2021). Decentralized controller using active power control with the aid of sensitivity matrix. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 233-238).
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Thilakasiri, L. B. I. P., Alwis, D. M. P. M., Nanayakkara, R. T., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Herath, H. M. V. R., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). Integrated video based crowdedness forecasting framework with a review of crowd counting models. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 29-34).
Ekanayake, E. M. S. L. B., Wickramasinghe, W. A. N. D., Wijesinghe, A. D., Wijedasa, M. A. C. S., Weerasooriya, H. M. H. K., Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., ... & Madhujith, T. (2021). Multispectral imaging system to estimate sugar adulteration level of Black Tea. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 17-22).
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Weligampola, H., Jayatilaka, G., Sritharan, S., Ekanayake, P., Ragel, R., Herath, V., & Godaliyadda, R. (2021). An optical physics inspired CNN approach for intrinsic image decomposition. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (pp. 1864-1868).
Palitharathna, K. W., Suraweera, H. A., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Herath, V. R. (2021). Rate maximization for lightwave power transfer-enabled cooperative half/full-duplex UOWC systems. In 2021 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) (pp. 631-635).
Senanayaka, J. B., Somathilake, E., Delay, U., Gunarathne, S., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., ... & Rathnayake, C. (2021). Fetal movement identification from multi-accelerometer measurements using recurrent neural networks. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 215-220).
Somathilake, E., Senanayaka, J. B., Delay, U., Gunarathne, S., Nawarathne, T., Withanage, T., ... & Rathnayake, C. (2021). Fetal movement detection using long short-term memory network. In 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 464-469).
Thilakarathna, D. B., Dissanayake, D. R. R. K., Dissanayake, D. M. K. V. B., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2021). A comparison between MPPT algorithm and DC-DC convertor configurations for PV systems. In 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 327-332). 
Wickramasinghe, W. A. N. D., Ekanayake, E. M. S. L. B., Wijedasa, M. A. C. S., Wijesinghe, A. D., Madhujith, T., Ekanayake, M. P. B., ... & Herath, H. M. V. R. (2021). Validation of multispectral imaging for the detection of sugar adulteration in Black Tea. In 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 494-499). 
Jayasani, C., Dammalage, P., Sarathchandra, S., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., Herath, V., ... & Dharmaratne, S. (2021). Limited data forecasting for Dengue propagation. In 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 416-421).
Perera, I., Senavirathna, S., Jayarathne, A., Egodawela, S., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., ... & Sathyaprasad, S. (2021). Vehicle tracking based on an improved DeepSORT algorithm and the YOLOv4 framework. In 2021 10th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 305-309).
Wijesinghe, A. D., Wickramasinghe, W. A. N. D., Wijedasa, M. A. C. S., Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., ... & Jinadasa, K. B. S. N. (2021). Transmittance multispectral imaging system to estimate potable water quality parameters. In Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment (pp. HTh2B-3).
Ramanayake, R. M. L. S., Senarath, H. M. N. B., Jayasundara, J. M. V. D. B., Prabhath, G. W. K., Weerasooriya, H. M. H. K., Fernando, M. A. R. M., ... & Athukorala, S. (2021). Reflectance multispectral imaging for identification of Algae contamination in high voltage insulators. In Imaging Systems and Applications (pp. ITh1B-6).
Perera, A., Katz, M., Godaliyadda, R., Häkkinen, J., & Strömmer, E. (2021). Light-based Internet of Things: implementation of an optically connected energy-autonomous node. In 2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (pp. 1-7).
Peiris, R. C. P. D., Tharmikka, R., Herath, H. M. V. R., Dissanayake, M. B., & Navaratne, U. S. (2021). Intruder detection system through walking pattern analysis for home security. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 301-305).
Weerasinghe, N., Hewa, T., Dissanayake, M., Ylianttila, M., & Liyanage, M. (2021). Blockchain-based roaming and offload service platform for local 5G operators. In 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (pp. 1-6).
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Piyapema, L. G. Y., Ranasinghe, R. A. K. C., Madushika, A. P. N., Rathnayake, C., Wijayakulasooriya, J., & Ranaweera, R. (2021). Thermistor based automated urine volume detection method. In 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON) (pp. 1-5).
Karunarathna, Y., Wijayakulasooriya, J., Ekanayake, J., & Perera, P. (2021). Modelling and validation of arc-fault currents under resistive and inductive loads. In 2021 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE) (Vol. 4, pp. 211-215).
Balasuriya, P., Perera, R., Rajapaksha, S., Wijayakulasooriya, J., Ekanayake, J., Comester, R., & Deshapriya, L. (2021). Deep learning-based consumer profiling from smart meter data. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 6-10).
Lakmini, A., Liyanage, L. P. M. A., Hamsa, S., Kumara, A. L. A. P. A., Navaratne, M. A. U. S., & Herath, A. (2021). Semi-Automated tool for location identification to improve the solar PV penetration in Sri Lanka. In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 122-127).
Karunasena, S. P., Ariyarathna, D. C., Ranaweera, R., Wijayakulasooriya, J., Kim, K., & Dassanayake, T. (2021). Single-Channel EEG SSVEP-based BCI for robot arm control. In 2021 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS) (pp. 1-6).
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Perera, R., Weligampola, H., Marikkar, U., Sritharan, S., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., ... & Dharmaratne, S. (2021). Spatial analysis of COVID-19 and socio-economic factors in Sri Lanka. In 2021 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) (pp. 444-449). 
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Marikkar, U., Hassan, A. J., Maithripala, M. S., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, P. B., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2020). Modified auto regressive technique for univariate time series prediction of solar irradiance. In 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 22-27).
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Karunarathne, E., Pasupuleti, J., Ekanayake, J., & Almeida, D. (2020). Multi-leader particle swarm optimization for optimal planning of distributed generation. In 2020 IEEE student conference on research and development (SCOReD) (pp. 96-101).
Almeida, D., Pasupuleti, J., & Ekanayake, J. (2020). Assessing the performance of smart inverter functionalities in PV-Rich LV distribution networks. In 2020 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD) (pp. 90-95).
Dissawa, L. H., Agalgaonkar, A. P., Robinson, D., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, J. B., Ekanayake, P. B., & Perera, S. (2020). On-Site Solar Power Forecasting Using Sky-Images. In 2020 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC) (pp. 1-8).
Chathurika, D. A. H., Perumpuliarachchi, L. Y., Abeyratne, S. G., & Wijekoon, R. B. (2020). Managing Spinning Reserves for Power System Stability under Increased Renewable Energy Penetration. In 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 127-132).
Egodawela, S. M. K. C. S. B., Herath, H. M. D. M. B., Willamuna, S. M. A. B., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., ... & Sathyaprasad, I. M. S. (2020). Vehicle Detection and Localization for Autonomous Traffic Monitoring Systems in Unstructured Crowded Scenes. In 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 192-197).
Jayasundara, D., Ramanayake, L., Senarath, N., Herath, S., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., ... & Ariyawansha, S. (2020). Multispectral Imaging for Automated Fish Quality Grading. In 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 321-326).
Palitharathna, K. W., Suraweera, H. A., Godaliyadda, R. I., Herath, V. R., & Thompson, J. S. (2020). Multi-AUV Placement for Coverage Maximization in Underwater Optical Wireless Sensor Networks. In Global Oceans 2020: Singapore–US Gulf Coast (pp. 1-8).
Weerasooriya, H. M. H. K., Lakmal, H. M. S., Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., Bandara, W. G. C., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., ... & Madujith, T. (2020). Transmittance multispectral imaging for edible oil quality assessment. In 3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications (pp. JW5C-8).
Gunarathne, S., Withanage, T., Delay, U., Nawarathne, T., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., ... & Rathnayake, C. (2020) Standardized fourth central movement based three step algorithm for fetal movements identification. In On-Line International Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology (ICACT 2020 University of Kelaniya). Paper ID (Vol. 51).
Ranasinghe, Y., Herath, S., Weerasooriya, K., Ekanayake, M., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., & Herath, V. (2020). Convolutional autoencoder for blind hyperspectral image unmixing. In 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 174-179).
Senanayaka, J. B., Morawaliyadda, D. T., Senarath, S. T., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. (2020). Adaptive Centroid Placement Based SNIC for Superpixel Segmentation. In 2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) (pp. 242-247).
Palitharathna, K. W., Suraweera, H. A., Godaliyadda, R. I., Herath, V. R., & Ding, Z. (2020). Impact of receiver orientation on full-duplex relay aided NOMA underwater optical wireless systems. In ICC 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1-7). 
Lakmal, H. K. I. S., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2020). Pothole Detection with Image Segmentation for Advanced Driver Assisted Systems. In 2020 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE) (pp. 308-311).
Sivalingam, T., Manosha, K. S., Rajatheva, N., Latva-aho, M., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2020). Positioning of multiple unmanned aerial vehicle base stations in future wireless network. In 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring) (pp. 1-6).
Delay, U. H., Nawarathne, B. M. T. M., Dissanayake, D. W. S. V. B., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., & Rathnayake, R. M. C. J. (2020). Non invasive wearable device for fetal movement detection. In 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 285-290).
Egodawela, S. M. K. C. S. B., Herath, H. M. D. M. B., Ranaweera, R. D., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2020). Device to Remotely Track and Locate the Position of a Child for Safety. In 2020 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC) (pp. 1-7).
Swarnasinghe, B., Dissanayake, K., Medagoda, U., Wijayakulasooriya, J., Kumara, S., & Fernando, M. (2020). Prony Algorithm for Noise Filteration in Partial Discharge Signals Captured by High Frequency Current Transducer. In 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD) (pp. 846-849).
Premaratne, I. A., Samaranayake, B. G. L. T., & Binduhewa, P. J. (2020). An Analytical study on Methods to Detect Degraded Cells in a Multi-Cell Lithium-ion Battery Pack. In 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 59-64).
Illangarathna, S., & Binduhewa, P. (2020). Energy management system for neighbourhood EV based taxi parking station. In 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 69-74).
De Silva, A., Kumara, S., Herath, V., Fernando, M., & Athukorala, S. (2019). Effectiveness of methods practiced to clean Biological Growth on MV Porcelain Insulators–A Case Study. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 91-96).
Rajapaksha, U. K. R. M. H., Kumara, J. R. S. S., Fernando, M. A. R. M., Susantha, K. A. S., Venkatesh, S., & Jayaratne, D. K. (2019). Possible lightning hazards to humans near giant ancient stupa. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 541-546).
Ekanayake, E. M. U. N., Herath, H. M. N. P., Perera, G. C., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., Kumara, J. R. S. S., Fernando, M. A. R. M., & Bandara, K. M. K. S. (2019). Application of Signal Processing Techniques for Modeling of Slot Discharges in Generators. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 107-112).
Karunarathne, E., Samaranayake, L., Binduhewa, P., & Ekanayake, J. (2019). Simulation of a Three-Port Bi-Directional Converter for an Electric Vehicle Application. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 220-225).
Takahashi, K., Masuta, T., Udawalpola, R., Liyanage, K. M., & Ohtake, H. (2019). Simultaneous operation scheduling of generators and battery energy storage system based on actual and forecasted photovoltaic power outputs. In 2019 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST) (pp. 1-6).
Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Yong, J. Y., Tan, K. M., Pouryekta, A., Jayasinghe, D. H. G. A. E., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2019). Assessment of voltage and current quality indices of grid connected solar PV plants against international standards. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 413-418).
Balachandran, A., Prabhath, G. W. K., Bandara, W. C., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2019). Reactive Power Compensation for Voltage Violations in Distribution Network. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 245-250). 
Ajmal, A. M., Thanikanti, S. B., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Ekanayake, J., & Tariq, M. (2019). Effect of partial shading and performance analysis on various array configurations of photovoltaic system. In 2019 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES) (pp. 1-6).
Celvakumaran, P., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., & Ekanayake, J. (2019). Assessment of net energy metering on distribution network losses. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS) (pp. 241-246).
Almeida, D., Weerasinghe, A., Bandara, A. I. M., & Ekanayake, J. (2019). ‘Optimization of energy saving in commercial buildings using DC microgrid. In Proc. Nat. Energy Symp. (p. 35).
Uduwawala, D., Jayasinghe, J., & Narampanawe, N. (2019). Genetically Designed High Gain Sierpinski Carpet Fractal Antenna. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 11-14).
Wijesinghe, A., Seneviratne, L., & Abeyratne, S. (2019). Digital Creation Of Color Illusion Fabricated By Overlaying Different Colored Translucent Textiles Using Images. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 151-156).
Padmawansa, N. U., Abeyratne, S. G., Rathnayake, D. B., & Lipo, T. A. (2019). Enhancement of Inertial Response of an Isolated Microgrid with High Inertia Induction Motors. In 2019 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS) (pp. 1-5).
Sandaruwan, B. L. L., Abeyratne, S. G., & De Silva, R. T. T. (2019). Voltage-Mode-Current-Control Concept for Current-Source-Inverters in Grid Integration. In PCIM Europe 2019; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (pp. 1-6).
Ekanayake, E. M. M. B., Bandara, W. C., Prabhath, G. W. K., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Herath, H. M. V. R., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2019). Feature extraction using minor scatter directions of data to distinguish between classes with minute differences of a hyperspectral image. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 130-134).
Ranasinghe, D. Y. L., Lakmal, H. M. S., Weerasooriya, H. M. H. K., Ekanayake, E. M. M. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Herath, H. M. V. R., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2019). Hyperspectral imaging based method to identify potential limestone deposits. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 135-140).
Prabhath, G. W. K., Bandara, W. G. C., Dissanayake, D. W. S. C. B., Hearath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., ... & Madhujith, T. (2019). Multispectral imaging for detection of adulterants in turmeric powder. In Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment (pp. HTu3B-3).
Wasalaarachchi, W. A. W. S., Subhashini, H. A. A., Abeywardhana, S. A. Y., Gunarathne, M. S. L., Ruwanga, W. T., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., ... & Rathnayake, R. M. C. J. (2019). Fetal movements identification based on non-negative matrix factorization and spectral clustering. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 266-271). 
Ekanayake, E. M. M. B., Rathnayake, B., Ekanayake, E. M. H. E. B., Rathnayake, A. R. M. A. N., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2019). Enhanced hyperspectral unmixing via non-negative matrix factorization incorporating the end member independence. In IGARSS 2019-2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 2256-2259).
Dasanayaka, C., Dharmasena, B., Bandara, W. R., Dissanayake, M. B., & Jayasinghe, R. (2019). Segmentation of mental foramen in dental panoramic tomography using deep learning. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 81-84).
Weerasinghe, Y. P., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2019). Towards IoT; Comparison of RSS based indoor localization using supervised learning and trilateration in WSN. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 290-295).
Weerasinghe, Y. P., Maduranga, M. W. P., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2019). RSSI and feed forward neural network (FFNN) based indoor localization in WSN. In 2019 national information technology conference (NITC) (pp. 35-40).
Kaldera, H. N. T. K., Gunasekara, S. R., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2019). MRI based Glioma segmentation using Deep Learning algorithms. In 2019 International research conference on smart computing and systems engineering (SCSE) (pp. 51-56).
Kaldera, H. N. T. K., Gunasekara, S. R., & Dissanayake, M. B. (2019). Brain tumor classification and segmentation using faster R-CNN. In 2019 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET) (pp. 1-6).
Wijethilake, K., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2019). Electrical Impedance Tomography For Cross Sectional Imaging. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 69-74).
Umasha, H. E. J., Pulle, H. D. F. R., Nisansala, K. K. R., Ranaweera, R. D. B., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2019). Ayurvedic Naadi Measurement and Diagnostic System. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 52-57).
Senevirathne, P. R., Senarathne, L. R., Muthunaike, I. U., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., Nawaratne, U. S., & Dharmagunawardana, H. A. C. (2019). Optimal Residential Load Scheduling in Dynamic Tariff Environment. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 547-552).
Laksiri, H. G. C. R., Dharmagunawardhana, H. A. C., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2019). Design and optimization of IOT based smart irrigation system in Sri Lanka. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 198-202).
Sooriyagoda, D., Kumara, S., Navaratne, S., & Fernando, M. (2019, December). Harmonic Analysis of New Breaker Switched Capacitor Bank Installations: A case study. In 2019 14th Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 239-244).
Bandara, W. G. C., Prabhath, G. W. K., Dissanayake, D. W. S. C. B., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., ... & Madhujith, T. (2018). A multispectral imaging system to assess meat quality. In 2018 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 1-6).
Palitharathna, K. W., Godaliyadda, R. I., Herath, V. R., & Suraweera, H. A. (2018). Relay-assisted optical wireless communications in turbid water. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (pp. 1-5).
Ekanayake, E. M. M. B., Ekanayake, E. M. H. E. B., Rathnayake, A. R. M. A. N., Vithana, S. S. P., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2018). A semi-supervised algorithm to map major vegetation zones using satellite hyperspectral data. In 2018 9th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS) (pp. 1-5).
Akram, M., Thelasingha, N., Godaliyadda, R., Ekanayake, P., & Ekanayake, J. (2018). Second order Volterra filter for appliance modelling. In 2018 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 1-6).
Abeywardhana, S. A. Y., Subhashini, H. A. A., Wasalaarachchi, W. A. W. S., Wimalarathna, G. H. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., ... & Rathnayake, R. M. C. J. (2018). Time domain analysis for fetal movement detection using accelerometer data. In 2018 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 1-5).
Rathnayake, B., Weerakoon, K. M. K., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2018). A Robust Control Paradigm for Path Following of an Underwater Robotic Vehicle. In 2018 13th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE) (pp. 1-6).
Rathnayake, B., Weerakoon, K. M. K., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2018). Toward finding optimal source dictionaries for single channel music source separation using nonnegative matrix factorization. In 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) (pp. 1493-1500).
Dissanayake, M. B., Deng, Y., Nallanathan, A., Elkashlan, M., & Mitra, U. (2018). Enhancing the reliability of large-scale multiuser molecular communication systems. In 2018 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) (pp. 1-5).
Wijesekera, A., & Binduhewa, P. (2018). Impact of Electric Motorcycles on Distribution Network and Design of a Charger for Electric Motorcycles. In 2018 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 1-6).
Wijesekera, A., & Binduhewa, P. (2018). Design of a Small Electric Vehicle Charger with Multi-Ports. In 2018 2nd International Conference On Electrical Engineering (EECon) (pp. 8-13).
Gunaratne, T., Wijesinghe, D., Wijerathne, K., Binduhewa, P. J., & Ekanayake, J. (2018). AC-DC Multi-port domestic distribution interface. In 2018 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) (pp. 288-293). 
Mobini, Z., Chalise, B. K., Mohammadi, M., Suraweera, H. A., & Ding, Z. (2018). Proactive eavesdropping using UAV systems with full-duplex ground terminals. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) (pp. 1-6).
Mohammadi, M., Mobini, Z., Suraweera, H. A., & Ding, Z. (2018). Antenna selection in full-duplex cooperative NOMA systems. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1-6).
Mahadevan, J., Ratnarajah, N., & Ranaweera, R. D. (2018). Altered Brain Wiring in Alzheimer’s: A Structural Network Analysis using Diffusion MR Imaging. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology (ICACT‒2018), Faculty of Computing and Technology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Herath, H. M. M. G. T., Kumara, J. R. S. S., Fernando, M. A. R. M., Bandara, K. M. K. S., & Serina, I. (2017). Comparison of supervised machine learning techniques for PD classification in generator insulation. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Bandara, D. U., Kumara, J. R. S. S., Fernando, M. A. R. M., & Kalpage, C. S. (2017). Possibility of blending sesame oil with field aged mineral oil for transformer applications. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-4).
Kumara, J. R. S. S., Fernando, M. A. R. M., & Kalpage, C. S. (2017). Comparison of coconut/sesame/castor oils and their blends for transformer insulation. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Aravinda, G. A. T. N., Bandara, K., Jayantha, G. A., Kumara, J. R. S. S., & Fernando, M. A. R. M. (2017). Application of SFRA techniques to discriminate short circuit faults of transformer winding. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-5).
Imara, M. N. F., & Liyanage, K. M. (2017). Electrical vehicle charging demand prediction using wavelet based analysis. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Wijethunge, A. H., Wijekulasooriya, J. V., Ekanayake, J. B., Samarakoon, K. B., & Polpitiya, A. (2017). Genetic algorithm based cost optimization to integrate a community based wind turbine while considering smart appliances scheduling. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Herath, N., Binduhewa, P., Samaranayake, L., Ekanayake, J., & Longo, S. (2017). Design of a dual energy storage power converter for a small electric vehicle. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Dissawa, D. M. L. H., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Ekanayake, J. B., & Agalgaonkar, A. P. (2017). Cross-correlation based cloud motion estimation for short-term solar irradiation predictions. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Wickramagedara, M. W. B. K., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2017). Optimizing the cable designs for wind energy applications. In 2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon) (pp. 1524-1525).
Koziel, S., Saraereh, O., Jayasinghe, J. W., & Uduwawala, D. (2017). Local optimization of a Sierpinski carpet fractal antenna. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-5).
Koziel, S., Jayasinghe, J. W., Anguera, J., Cheng, Q. S., & Uduwawala, D. N. (2017). Optimization of high-directivity fan-beam antennas. In 2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES) (pp. 1-2).
Rathnayake, Dayan B., Sunil G. Abeyratne, and Thomas A. Lipo.(2017). A dual purpose induction motor drive for a high inertia load with both quick run-up and power factor correction capability. IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia (IFEEC 2017-ECCE Asia).
Ranasinghe, H. M. P. B., & Gunawardena, A. U. A. W. (2017). Design of a multi-section coupled line coupler based on substrate integrated coaxial lines. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-5).
Oorloff, T. S. J., Abeysekara, A. M. R., Vithana, S. S. P., Rupasinghe, R. A. A., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2017). Spectral-spatial hybrid mechanism for feature detection using spectral correlation. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Weerakoon, K. M. K., Rupasinghe, K. S., Withanaarachchi, T. P., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2017). Outdoor human navigation with gps and sensor systems. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Akram, M. S. M., Aravinda, L. G. D., Munaweera, M. K. P. D., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2017). Camera based visible light communication system for underwater applications. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Gunarathne, M. S. L., Wansekara, W. M. G. M., Wimalarathna, G. H. I., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Wijayakulasooriya, J., & Rathnayake, R. M. C. J. (2017). Fetal heart abnormality detection based on subspace separation and Wiener filtering. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Rupasinghe, R. A. A., Padmasiri, D. A., Senanayake, S. G. M. P., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2017). Dynamic clustering for event detection and anomaly identification in video surveillance. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Tharshini, G., Shanmugarajah, V., Sathananthan, H., Thiruchelvam, J., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. (2017). Expression neutralization based algorithm for expression-invariant face recognition for single training sample problem. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6). 
Thelasingha, N., Ekanayake, S., Udugama, B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Samaranayake, B. G. L. T., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2017). Autonomous exploration planning strategy for a reconnaissance agent. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Dissawa, D. M. L. H., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, J. B., & Agalgaonkar, A. P. (2017). Cloud motion tracking for short-term on-site cloud coverage prediction. In 2017 Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) (pp. 1-6).
Liyanage, Y. S., Welikala, S., Dinesh, C., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, J. (2017). Real-time non-intrusive appliance load monitoring under supply voltage fluctuations. In 2017 Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) (pp. 1-9).
Munaweera, P. D., Akram, M., Aravinda, D., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, P. B. (2017). Design and analysis of an under water visible light MIMO communication system with a camera receiver. In 2017 Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) (pp. 1-7).
Vithana, S. S. P., Abeysekara, A. M. R., Oorloff, T. S. J., Rupasinghe, R. A. A., Herath, H. M. V. R., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2017). Hyperspectral imaging based land cover mapping using data obtained by the Hyperion sensor. In 2017 Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) (pp. 1-7).
Gettapola, K. I., Ranaweera, R. D., Godaliyadda, G. I., & Imara, M. N. F. (2017). Location based fingerprinting techniques for indoor positioning. In 2017 6th National Conference on Technology and Management (NCTM) (pp. 175-180).
Gunasekara, P. G. H. H., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., & Dharmagunawardhana, H. A. C. (2017). Image texture analysis using deep neural networks. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-5).
Tennakoon, K. B., Madhushani, T. W. U., Maithripala, D. H. S., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2017). Multi-armed bandit based approach for performance enhancement of window intensity test (WIT) detector. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 1-6).
Ahn, J., Yasukawa, S., Weerakoon, T., Sonoda, T., Nishida, Y., Ura, T., & Ishii, K. (2017). Sea-floor image transmission system for AUV. In OCEANS 2017-Aberdeen (pp. 1-6). 
Liang, H., Zhong, C., Lin, H., Suraweera, H. A., Qu, F., & Zhang, Z. (2017). Optimization of power beacon assisted wireless powered two-way relaying systems under user fairness. In GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference (pp. 1-6).
Mohammadi, M., Chalise, B. K., Hakimi, A., Suraweera, H. A., & Ding, Z. (2017). Joint beamforming design and power allocation for full-duplex NOMA cognitive relay systems. In GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference (pp. 1-6).
Mobini, Z., Mohammadi, M., Suraweera, H. A., & Ding, Z. (2017). Full-duplex multi-antenna relay assisted cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access. In GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference (pp. 1-7). 
Liang, H., Zhong, C., Suraweera, H. A., Zheng, G., & Zhang, Z. (2017). Beamformer and time split design for wireless powered multi-antenna cooperative systems. In 2017 International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications & Computing (SigTelCom) (pp. 1-6).
Chalise, B. K., Ma, W. K., Suraweera, H. A., & Li, Q. (2017). Secrecy rate maximization in full-duplex multi-antenna decode-and-forward relay systems. In 2017 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) (pp. 1-5).
Mohammadi, M., Chalise, B. K., Suraweera, H. A., & Ding, Z. (2017). Wireless information and power transfer in full-duplex systems with massive antenna arrays. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1-6).
Makhanbet, M., Zhang, X., Gao, H., & Suraweera, H. A. (2017). An overview of cloud RAN: Architecture, issues and future directions. In Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering (ELECOM 2016), Bagatelle, Mauritius, November 25-27, 2016 (pp. 44-60).
Welikala, S., Dinesh, C., Godaliyadda, R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Ekanayake, J. (2016). Robust non-intrusive load monitoring (nilm) with unknown loads. In 2016 IEEE international conference on information and automation for sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 1-6).
Bandara, A. I. M., Binduhewa, P., & Ekanayake, J. (2016). DC MicroGrid as a solution for utilisation of solar photovoltaic sources. In 2016 Electrical Engineering Conference (EECon) (pp. 91-96).
Welikala, S., Dinesh, C., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, R. I., & Ekanayake, J. (2016). A real-time non-intrusive load monitoring system. In 2016 11th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 850-855).
Anguera, J., Andújar, A., Jayasinghe, J., Uduwawala, D., Khattak, M. K., & Kahng, S. (2016). Nature-Inspired High-Directivity Microstrip Antennas: Fractals and Genetics. In 2016 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN) (pp. 204-207).
Weerakoon, D. B. R., Sandaruwan, B. L. L., De Silva, R. T. T., Abeyratne, S. G., & Rathnayake, D. B. (2016). A novel dead-time compensation scheme for PWM VSI drives. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 1-6).
Rupasinghe, R. A. A., Senanayake, S. G. M. P., Padmasiri, D. A., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2016). Modes of clustering for motion pattern analysis in video surveillance. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 1-6). 
Jayasuriya, D. M. N., Liyanage, W. L. Y. S., Herath, H. M. A. S., Godaliyadda, G. M., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2016). Intelligent Navigation System for mapping unknown environments. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 1-6).
Boragolla, B. N. W. M. R. A., Farook, F. F., Herath, H. M. T. S. K., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2016). Hierarchical method to classify emotions in speech signals. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) (pp. 1-6).
Fathizadeh, M., Navaratne, U. S., & Koppaku, V. (2016). Effect of Electrical Alternative Energy Sources on Power Grid. In 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Madhushani, T. W. U., Maithripala, D. H. S., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2016). Wit: Window intensity test detector and descriptor. In 2016 11th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 339-344).
Liang, H., Zhong, C., Chen, X., Suraweera, H. A., & Zhang, Z. (2016). Multi-antenna SWIPT relaying systems: Impact of antenna correlation and channel state information. In 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (pp. 1-6).
Chalise, B. K., Suraweera, H. A., & Zheng, G. (2016). Throughput maximization for full-duplex energy harvesting MIMO communications. In 2016 IEEE 17th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) (pp. 1-5).
Mohammadi, M., Suraweera, H. A., & Tellambura, C. (2016). Uplink and downlink rate analysis of a full-duplex C-RAN with radio remote head association. In 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (pp. 778-782).
Li, X., Jin, S., Suraweera, H. A., & Gao, X. (2016). Line-of-sight based statistical 3D beamforming for downlink massive MIMO systems. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1-6). 
Tan, W., Smith, P. J., Suraweera, H. A., Matthaiou, M., & Jin, S. (2016). Spectral efficiency of multi-user mmWave systems with uniform linear arrays and MRT. In 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring) (pp. 1-5).
Gunawardena, A. U. A. W., Ahamed, A. C. M., Samarasinghe, W. M. S. C., & Fernando, M. A. R. M. (2015). The effects of radiation losses on the measurement of loss tangent using microstrip ring resonators. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 531-534).
Wijayaratne, R. R. L. L., Binduhewa, P. J., Abeyratne, S. G., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2015). Design and implementation of a control strategy for a transformer with series compensation. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 134-139).
Dinesh, H. G. C. P., Perera, P. H., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2015). Individual power profile estimation of residential appliances using low frequency smart meter data. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 140-145).
Dinesh, H. G. C. P., Perera, P. H., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2015). Residential appliance monitoring based on low frequency smart meter measurements. In 2015 IEEE international conference on smart grid communications (SmartGridComm) (pp. 878-884).
Wijethunga, A. H., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., Ekanayake, J. B., & De Silva, N. (2015). Conductor temperature based low cost solution for dynamic line rating calculation of power distribution lines. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 128-133).
Wijethunga, A. H., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., & Ekanayake, J. B. (2015). Effect of sampling rate of weather parameters on the dynamic line rating. In 2015 International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC) (pp. 663-668).
Jayasinghe, J., Uduwawala, D., & Anguera, J. (2015). Design of a linearly-polarized high-directivity microstrip patch antenna. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 210-213).
Karunathilake, K. R. R. D. K., Ranathunga, D. S., Kaushalya, K. L. S., & Abeyratne, S. G. (2015). Fuzzy logic based stator resistance compensation technique for PWM-VSI drives. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 452-457).
Rathnayake, D. B., & Abeyratne, S. G. (2015). Effect of semiconductor devices' output parasitic capacitance on zero-current clamping phenomenon in PWM-VSI drives. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 446-451). 
Welikala, W. R. C. B. S., Liyanage, D. P., Abeysekara, A. H. A. D., Eakanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2015). Versatile non linear control strategy for reconnaissance robotic system. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 332-337).
Abeysekara, A. H. A. D., Liyanage, D. P., Welikala, W. R. C. B. S., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Eakanayake, M. P. B., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2015). Depth map generation for a reconnaissance robot via sensor fusion. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 320-325).
Farnaz, A. Z., Sajith, H. S., Binduhewa, P. J., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Samaranayake, B. G. L. T. (2015). Low cost torque estimator for DC servo motors. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 187-192).
Tharshini, G., Dinesh, H. G. C. P., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2015). A robust expression negation algorithm for accurate face recognition for limited training data. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 384-389). 
Galgamuwa, G. I. R. K., Liyanage, L. K. G., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Samaranayake, B. G. L. T. (2015). Simplified controller for three wheeled omni directional mobile robot. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 314-319).
Jayasinghe, M. G. S., Fernando, W. S. K., Senerath, A. A., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I. (2015). Restoration and clustering of overexposed background elements for vision systems in dynamic aquatic scenes. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 146-151).
Herath, H. M. S. P. B., Perera, P. H., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I. (2015). Visual event classification with human like perception. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 378-383).
Sumanapala, D. R., Sumanapala, D. R., Thushan, S., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2015). Frequency domain ICA based signal restoration from non-linearly distorted acoustic signals. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 261-266).
Jeevithan, A., Ahamed, M. M. M., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Samaranayake, B. G. L. T. (2015). Optimising electric vehicle powertrain components for enhanced performance. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 199-204). 
Perera, L. S. C., Amarakoon, K. A. M. S. V., Weerakoon, W. M. D. S., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Ekanayake, M. P. B. (2015). Enhanced feature space clustering via spectral parameter weighting for fingerprinting based indoor localization. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 82-87).
Herath, H. M. S. P. B., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2015). Multi-feature based hand-gesture recognition. In 2015 Fifteenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) (pp. 63-68).
Fernando, W. S. K., Perera, P. H., Herath, H. M. S. P. B., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I., & Wijayakulasooriya, J. V. (2015). Video event classification and anomaly identification using spectral clustering. In 2015 Fifteenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) (pp. 21-24).
Athmajan, V., Rajasinghe, N. N., Senerath, A. A., Ekanayake, M. P. B., Wijayakulasooriya, J., & Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I. (2015). Improved PCA based face recognition using similarity measurement fusion. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 360-365).
Jayasinghe, M. G. S., Fernando, W. S. K., Senerath, A. A., Ekanayake, M. P. B., & Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I. (2015). Adaptive free cylindrical mixture model for foreground estimation in rapidly fluctuating dynamic background conditions. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 495-500).
Edirisinghe, E. S. S., Karunarathna, P. H. R. S. S., Dissanayake, D. M. T. B., & Godaliyadda, G. M. R. I. (2015). Design and implementation of a bi-directional visible light communication system. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 519-524).
Gunasekera, S. N., Wijayakulasooriya, J. V., & Perera, S. P. C. (2015). Physically inspired synthesis of Santoor and Sarod. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 164-169).
Jayarathne, M., Wickramanayake, D., Afsheenjinan, A., Ranaweera, R., & Weerasingha, V. (2015). EMG based biofeedback system using a virtual reality method. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 111-116).
Jayasooriya, J. V. D., Mahalaksha, M. M. H. C. N., Binduhewa, P. J., & Kumara, J. R. S. S. (2015). Investigation of a smart transformer. In TENCON 2015-2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference (pp. 1-6).
Abeygunasekara, W., Samaranayake, L., Karunaratne, V., & Amaratunga, G. (2015). Generation profile shape dependent performance of mobility imbalanced organic solar cells. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 354-359).
Abeygunasekara, W., Samaranayake, L., Karunaratne, V., Hiralal, P., & Amaratunga, G. (2015). Numerical modelling of Zinc Oxide nanowire anti reflective coatings. In 2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) (pp. 244-249).
Dasanayake, I. S., Seborg, D. E., Pinsker, J. E., Doyle, F. J., & Dassau, E. (2015). Empirical dynamic model identification for blood-glucose dynamics in response to physical activity. In 2015 54th IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC) (pp. 3834-3839).
Ding, H., da Costa, D. B., Suraweera, H. A., & Ge, J. (2015). Role selection for energy harvesting cooperative systems. In 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (pp. 1-6).
Mohammadi, M., Suraweera, H. A., Zheng, G., Zhong, C., & Krikidis, I. (2015). Full-duplex MIMO relaying powered by wireless energy transfer. In 2015 IEEE 16th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) (pp. 296-300).
Zhong, C., Suraweera, H. A., Zheng, G., Krikidis, I., & Zhang, Z. (2015). Improving the throughput of wireless powered dual-hop systems with full duplex relaying. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 4253-4258).
Zhu, G., Zhong, C., Suraweera, H. A., Karagiannidis, G. K., Zhang, Z., & Tsiftsis, T. A. (2015). Wireless powered dual-hop multiple antenna relay transmission in the presence of interference. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1795-1800).
Hoang, T. M., Duong, T. Q., Suraweera, H. A., Tellambura, C., & Poor, H. V. (2015). Cooperative beamforming and user selection for physical layer security in relay systems. In 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (pp. 1-6).
Dissanayake, M. B., & Abeyrathna, D. L. (2015). Edge based frame interpolation technique for error correction at HEVC decoder. In 2015 8th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMEDIA) (pp. 263-267). 
Mohammadi, M., Suraweera, H. A., Krikidis, I., & Tellambura, C. (2015). Full-duplex radio for uplink/downlink transmission with spatial randomness. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1908-1913).




BOOKS & BOOK CHAPTERS (2015 onwards)


Jenkins, N., & Ekanayake, J. (2024). Renewable energy engineering. Cambridge University Press.
Roberts, I.P., Suraweera, H.A. (2024). Full-Duplex Transceivers for Next-Generation Wireless Communication Systems. In: Lin, X., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Kim, J. (eds) Fundamentals of 6G Communications and Networking. Signals and Communication Technology. Springer, Cham.
Jaslin Shaleem Khan, Malligama Arachchige Uditha Sudheera Navaratne and Janaka Bandara Ekanayake (2023) “Modeling Electric Vehicle Charging Station Behavior Using Multiagent System” in Multi-Agent Technologies and Machine Learning, Edited by Prof. Igor Sheremet, (
Chengshan Wang, Jianzhong Wu, Janaka Ekanayake, Nick Jenkins (2022), “Mạng Lưới Phân Phối Điện Thông Minh”,  ISBN:  978-604-82-6462-8.
Herath, H. M. C. J., Herath, H. M. G. G. J. G., Ranaweera, K. M. U. I., Uduwawala, D. N., & Hoole, P. R. P. (2022). 5/6G, Smart Antennas and Coding the Algorithms: Linear ANN, Non-linear ANN, and LMS. In Smart Antennas and Electromagnetic Signal Processing in Advanced Wireless Technology, ebook ISBN:  978-100-33395-6-4, (pp. 361-383). River Publishers.
ප්‍රභාත් ජේ. බිංදුහේවා (2022), "සරල ධාරා-සරල ධාරා පරිවර්තක", ISBN: 978-624-99485-0-1
Janaka B. Ekanayake (2021) “Protection of MicroGrids” in Microgrids and Local Energy Systems, Edited by Nick Jenkins, 978-1-78984-530-3, IntechOpen, (
ජනක ඒකනායක (2021), "ගෘහස්ථ විදුලි බල පද්ධති සහ විදුලි ආරක්ෂක පද්ධති", ISBN: 978-624-97189-0-6
සකුන්තලා යටිගම්මන ඒකනායක සහ ජනක ඒකනායක (2019), "ප්‍රශ්ණෝත්තර සහ ප්‍රායෝගික කරුණු සවිස්තරව ඇතුළත් ඉලෙක්ට්‍රොනික විද්‍යාව", ISBN: 955-96732-1-7
K. D. Rohitha Jagath-Kumara, (2018), “Basics of Network Engineering”, ISBN:  978-955-30-8675-4, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
Chengshan Wang, Jianzhong Wu, Janaka Ekanayake, Nick Jenkins (2017), "Smart Electricity Distribution Networks", ISBN:  978-148-22-3055-0, CRC Press.
Nick Jenkins and Janaka Ekanayake (2017), "Renewable Energy Engineering", ISBN: 978-110-76-8022-7, Cambridge University Press. 
N Jenkins, J.B. Ekanayake, G. Strbac (2016), "分布式发电", ISBN:978-7-111-54080-9, China Machine Press
Kithsiri M. Liyanage, Janaka B. Ekanayake, and Chen-Ching Liu (2016) “Electric Vehicles and V2G Operation” in “Smart Grid Handbook”, Edited by Chen-Ching Liu, Stephen McArthur, Seung-Jae Lee, ISBN: 978-1-118-75548-8, Wiley.






K. D. R. Jagath Kumara, (2024), Nearshore waves: A renewable source of electricity, Research Brief in Hantana Vision, Research Magazine of the University of Peradeniya, 9(1), August
Manjula Fernando (2022), අහස උඩ කැරකෙන ලොකුම බලාගාරයෙන් වැඩ නොගන්න අපූරු රට, ලංකාදීප, 13/02/2022
Janaka B. Ekanayake (2022), Can we heading towards a Renewable energy future?, Gaveshana, Vol 40, April-December
Maheshi B. Dissanayake (2021), Augmented Reality and Computer Vision in Navigation, Digital SLEN, Newsletter of Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL), November
Maheshi B. Dissanayake (2021), Video Transmission in 5G and Beyond, IEEE Sri Lanka Section Newsletter, October
Maheshi B. Dissanayake (2021), Can machines perform Medical diagnosis?, ECO magazine,  Feature Article, CeyloneToday, 19/06/2021
Maheshi B. Dissanayake (2021), Molecular Communication–Cell like communication for Internet of Bio-Nano things, IEEE Sri Lanka Section Newsletter, February
Maheshi B. Dissanayake (2021), Nano-Biological Machines, Nanobots, are we there yet?, Feature Article in Business Column, DailyNews, 19/01/2021
Maheshi B. Dissanayake (2021), Next generation of video compression: the video format war, Digital SLEN, Newsletter of Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL), Gold issue, January
Janaka B. Ekanayake (2020),Technological Changes Required on Transport Energy, Hanthana Vision, Research Magazine of the University of Peradeniya, Vol 6, Issue 1, June 
Maheshi B. Dissanayake (2020), Communication Engineers Challenge; High quality video transmission in low resource environments, Hantana Vision, University of Peradeniya Research magazine, Vol 6, Issue 1 
K. D. R. Jagath Kumara, (2020), Research News Item, Hantana Vision, Research Magazine of the University of Peradeniya, Vol. 5, Issue 2, January
Maheshi B. Dissanayake (2020), An Approach for Reducing Interference in Large-Scale Molecular Communication with Multiusers, Hantana Vision, University of Peradeniya Research magazine, Vol 5, Issue 1 
Janaka B. Ekanayake (2020), Energy in the Modern world, Vidurava, ISSN 1391-0299, Vol 37, July – Sep
Janaka B. Ekanayake (2020), DC Returns with Renewables, Vidurava, ISSN 1391-0299, Vol 37, July – Sep 
M.P.B. Ekanayake (2020), Control of Powered Motion: The Unsung Driver of Human Civilization Through Harnessing of Renewable Energy, Vidurava, ISSN 1391-0299, Vol 37, July – Sep
G.M.R.I. Godaliyadda (2020), Geopolitics of Renewables: Thinking ahead towards Smart Renewable Integration, Vidurava, ISSN 1391-0299, Vol 37, July – Sep
S.A.H.A. Suraweera (2020), Green Communications for a Low-Carbon World, Vidurava, ISSN 1391-0299, Vol 37, July – Sep
H.M.V.R. Herath (2020), Renewable Energy Education: From Kindergarten to University, Vidurava, ISSN 1391-0299, Vol 37, July – Sep
Manjula Fernando (2019), Country should adapt to 4.0 industrial revolution trends, Daily News,  Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited, 9/09/2019
Janaka B. Ekanayake (2017), University of Peradeniya thinks ahead for inbound smart grid through renewables, Hanthana Vision, Vol 3, Issue 2, Nov 2017
Janaka B. Ekanayake (2017), බලශක්ති අර්බුදයට නවමානයක්- විසදුමක් උදෙසා සූර්ය බලයෙන් විදුලිය- මව්බිම - 20/12/2017






Ilangarathna, G. A., Ramanayake, L., Senarath, N., Ranasinghe, Y., Weligampola, H., Dedunupitiya, W., ... & Dharmarathne, S. (2024). A dataset on the socioeconomic and behavioural impacts in Sri Lanka through multiple waves of COVID-19. Data in Brief53, 110063.
Delay, U., Dissanayake, S., Nawarathne, T., Wasalaarachchi, W., Arachchi, H., Abeywardhana, S., ... & Ratnayake, C. (2019). Fetal Movement Detection Dataset Recorded Using MPU9250 Tri-Axial Accelerometer. Mendeley Data, 2
Clare, A. J., Blackburn, L. M., Harischandra, N., Zakotnik, J., Dürr, V., & Matheson, T. (2019). Activation dynamics data for locust hind leg extensor muscle, BIelefeld University,
Bandara, C., Prabhath, K., Ekanayake, M., Herath, V. R., & Godaliyadda, R. I. (2019). A Multispectral Image Database of Common Sri Lankan Spices and Adulterants. Mendeley Data, 3.
Harischandra N, Clare A, Zakotnik J, Blackburn L, Matheson T, and Dürr V (2019) Insect Muscle Activation Dynamics Simulator (IMADSim), MATLAB central, MATLAB Toolbox
K. D. R. Jagath Kumara (2018). NETSIMED: Network Simulator Software, Basics of Network Engineering, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka






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