Electronics and Instrumentation

With the advancement of the technology, computer aided processes and automation techniques have been used in formulating ways to design and control these EI systems. The motto of an EI engineer would be "to measure the world accurately and to control it precisely".

Circuit Analysis
Circuit analysis is the process of finding all the currents and voltages in a network of connected electrical components. In general, basic elements will be used to build circuits, and then find out what happens when they are connected together.

Sensors and Transducers
Both a sensor and a transducer are used to sense a change within the environment they are surrounded by or an object they are attached to. In genral, a sensor will give an output in the same format and a transducer will convert the measurement into an electrical signal.

Digital Systems
Digital System is a system in which signals have a finite number of discrete values. Digital System Synthesis is about the automatic generation of digital circuits from high-level descriptions, especially using Hardware Description Languages.

Very large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of integrating or embedding hundreds of thousands of transistors on a single silicon semiconductor microchip. It is one of the most widely used technologies for microchip processors, integrated circuits (IC) and component designing.
Electronics and Instrumentation Laboratory
The Electronics and Instrumentation laboratory is the state-of-the-art facility that provides students with the opportunity to learn and apply the principles of analog electronics to digital logic designs and instrumentation in a hands-on environment.
Department provides basic courses for all engineering undergraduates on the principles of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in appropriate depth, to acquire essential fundamentals, and also it offers several advanced courses to the specializing students.
Appropriate selection of Technical Electives, backed by the undergraduate research project and industrial training engagements, pave the way for the DEEE students to specialize in any of the subdisciplines.
Core modules are designed such a way that they provide essential technical knowledge while exposing students to analysis and design in order to solve complex engineering problems. Research project provide students the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities.