Power, Energy and High Voltage Engineering

In the future, more dispersed renewable generation units, such as photovoltaic systems, biomass systems and small wind turbines will be connected to the grid at the distribution level and more complex power and energy systems will be used in a smater grid.

Power Systems
The power system is a network which consists generation, distribution and transmission system. It uses possible form of energy and converts it into electrical energy.

Electrical Machines
Electrical Machines are electromechanical energy converters: an electric motor converts electricity to mechanical power while an electric generator converts mechanical power to electricity. Electrical machines also include transformers which convert AC current from one voltage level to another voltage level.

High Voltage Engineering
High-voltage engineering is knowledge about power transmission at high voltages and about stress on equipment used in high-voltage transmission systems. The basis for the design of high-voltage equipment is stress on the insulation by the electric field, whereby the stress magnitude depends on the voltage type.

Smart Grid
A smart grid is an electricity network enabling a two-way flow of electricity and data with digital communications technology enabling to detect, react and pro-act to changes in usage and multiple issues and thus electricity customers become active participants.
Power, Energy and High Voltage Engineering Laboratories
The Power, Energy and High Voltage Engineering Laboratory is the DEEE facility where students and researchers can learn about and experiment with the latest technologies in power, energy, high voltage applications, smart grid, renewable energy etc.
Department provides basic courses for all engineering undergraduates on the principles of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in appropriate depth, to acquire essential fundamentals, and also it offers several advanced courses to the specializing students.
Appropriate selection of Technical Electives, backed by the undergraduate research project and industrial training engagements, pave the way for the DEEE students to specialize in any of the subdisciplines.
Core modules are designed such a way that they provide essential technical knowledge while exposing students to analysis and design in order to solve complex engineering problems. Research project provide students the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities.