IEEE MGA Leadership Award 2022
IEEE Sri Lanka Section
20 Nov, 2022
"Dr. Maheshi Dissanayake from our department was recognized for her outstanding leadership in empowering women engineers and enhancing member engagement in IEEE and IEEE WIE in the Sri Lanka Section. This is the first time this global recognition was received by a Sri Lankan and it is a one time only award for a member where self nomination is not allowed"
Dr Dissanayake was instrumental in creating diversity among the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) community while improving member recruitment, retention and recognition. Back in 2021, Dr Dissanayake became the first female chairperson of IEEE Sri Lanka. She inspired not only the student members but also the general membership, to accept challenges and grow within to reach great heights even beyond IEEE.
Over the past decade, she successfully spearheaded, delivering highly impactful member engagement and empowerment activities within as well as outside IEEE Sri Lanka, with a special focus on women in engineering and student members. Read further in the following newspaper article.