The department has taken an initiative to provide its undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to be a part of the research culture and to contribute to the national development through research and development. As part of this initiative, it has been organizing a project symposium (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research and Project Symposium - EEERaPS) to showcase the output of the research by its students to the industry and government. This has been a regular event in the calendar of the DEEE. The inaugural Electrical and Electronic Engineering Project Symposium (EEEPS) was successfully held on the 29th of August 2013 at the Wimalasurendra Auditorium, Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka. The event was graced by many distinguished members representing the academia and industry and the tradition was continued thereafter. EEERaPS is usually followed by “EEES Night” where the past and present members of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society (EEES), University of Peradeniya for a pleasant get together. EEES is also one of the organizers of the event.

To be the prime platform of technological innovation and knowledge sharing in the country, paving the path to sustainable national development through research and innovation by building bridges among the key stakeholders of the process.
To showcase and create awareness about the innovative reseaarch and project development activities at the DEEE, UoP to the national industry and policy makers.
"Research and Development - Path to National Development"
Objectives of the Symposium are not only to improve collaboration between the department and industry and to take the message of innovation to the national policy makers but also to motivate the staff and students make continuous innovations. Strategically, we bring togeter key persons in academia, industry, and national policy making and provide visibility to succesful research and projects in order to create a common platform to interact, recognize and share experience among the all stakeholders. A successful completion of EEERaPS will surly promote the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya as the leader in innovative technology for the 21st century.
"Today Sri Lanka is in need of a newly invigorated hope and vision of a technology-based society. Envisioning a technological revolution sweeping through all facets of the society so that the entire populous would be able to reap the benefits. The DEEE, University of Peradeniya has been at the forefront of innovative technology and research in Sri Lanka, as well as recognized and honored internationally. EEERaPS is the platform that shares the outcomes, knowledge and experience of the research and innovation activities at the department with key policy maker, industry experts and all wee-wishers. The goal of EEERaPS is to build bridges between all stakeholders to drive the initiative towards sustainable national development through collaborative research and innovation"
EEERaPS 2024
7th Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research and Project Symposium (EEERaPS2024)
The inception of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research and Project Symposium (EEERaPS) is based on the need felt by the department to highlight the developments and research activities with a practical value and share the experience and outcomes with the policymakers, industry and other interested parties among the general public.
EEERaPS was started in 2014 at small scale and continued to grow rapidly in the years 2015, 2016, and 2017 towards 2020. Since inception, the theme of the EEERaPS has been “Research and Development – Path to National Development”.
Relation to the Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are a collection of seventeen interlinked objectives designed to serve as a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet now and into the future". These were formulated in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) as part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. SDGs are set as a road-map to take each country forward to 2030. In particular, the following goals are directly targeted by all thrust areas of EEERaPS, while several other targets are achieved indirectly or by individual thrust areas:
⮚ Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
⮚ Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
⮚ Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Developmen.
Past EEERaPS Chairs, Chief Guests and Location Details
Symposium | Chair/Co-Chair | Chief Guest / Venue |
EEERaPS23 | Dr. W.M.M.T.S. Weerakoon | Prof. M.D. Lamawansa, Vice-Chancellor, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka |
Dr. M.P.B. Ekanayake Dr. W.A.N.I. Harischandra |
Mr. Harin De Silva Wijeratne, CEO, SLINTEC, Sri Lanka Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya |
Dr. B.G.L.T. Samaranayake Prof. K.M. Liyanage |
Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe, Prime Minister, Sri Lanka Waters Edge, Battaramulla |
EEERaPS16 | Dr. R.D.B. Ranaweera |
Hon. Khabir Hashim, Minister of Public Enterprise Development, Sri Lanka Waters Edge, Battaramulla |
EEEPS15 | Prof. J.B. Ekanayake |
Eng. M.C Wickramasekara, General Manager, CEB, Sri Lanka Auditorium, Sri Lanka Foundation Institute |
EEEPS14 | Dr. B.G.L.T. Samaranayake |
Dr. Mahesh Sooriyabandara, Associate Managing Director at Toshiba, Bristol, UK Wimalasurendra Auditorium, Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka |



EEERaPS2016 |
EEEPS2015 |