K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara received the BSc (1985), MEngSc (1992), and PhD (1997) degrees from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, the University of New South Wales, Australia, and the University of South Australia respectively. He was with the University of Oslo in Norway for two semesters in 1990. Jagath-Kumara was employed as an engineer in the Ceylon Electricity Board from 1986-1987 and in the Airports and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Ltd from 1987-1989. He was a research fellow at the University of South Australia from 1996-97 and was a lecturer in the Massey university, New Zealand from 2000-06. From 2006, he has been a senior lecturer in the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Jagath-Kumara is the author of the book titled “Basics of Network Engineering” and has published 10 journal papers. He has also published 23 papers in the proceedings of international conferences and four papers in local symposiums/research sessions. He has presented papers at 19 international conferences and given 6 international seminars. Further, he has given presentations at four local research sessions/symposiums. He has served as a member, co-chair or the chair of the TPC for many international conferences and has reviewed close to 100 journal and conference papers. In the past, he was engaged in doing research on hybrid-ARQ, HF radio links, channel modelling and statistical signal processing. His current research interests are wave energy concentration and wave energy devices. He is a past member of Engineers Australia and the IEEE. He is currently a member of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka.
Research interests are directed primarily towards ...... research in a variety of interrelated areas:
⮚ Nearshore wave energy concentration, Wave energy conversion, Renewable energy generation
⮚ Network protocols, Simulation of network layer protocols
⮚ Digital HF radio links, Link protocols
⮚ Statistical signal processing
⮚ PhD (1997), University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
⮚ MEngSc (1992), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
⮚ BSc (1985), University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
⮚ GCE A/L (1980), NCGE (1976), St. Annes College, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka.
⮚ Induction Program for Academic Staff (2008), Staff Development Centre, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
⮚ Learning and Teaching Development Program (2004), Training and Development Unit, Massey University, New Zealand.
⮚ In Plant Training on Message Switching Systems (1987), SESA, Puteaux, Paris, France.
⮚ Senior Lecturer (2006 to date), Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
⮚ Lecturer (2000-2006), College of Sciences, Massey University, New Zealand.
⮚ Research Fellow (1996-1997), Australian Centre for Test and Evaluation, University of South Australia, Australia.
⮚ Electronic Engineer (1987-1989), Ratmalana Airport, Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Ltd.
⮚ Electrical Engineer (1986-1987), Ceylon Electricity Board, Sri Lanka.
⮚ Member of Advisory and Organizing Committee (2017), 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
⮚ Member of Audio-Visual Committee (2014), Peradeniya University Research Sessions (International) (iPURSE), Sri Lanka.
⮚ Co-Chair of TPC (2011), International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka.
⮚ Member of TPC (2010), International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), Gold Coast, Australia.
⮚ Member of TPC (2008), International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), Gold Coast, Australia.
⮚ Member of TPC (2007), International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS) Fukuoka, Japan.
⮚ Chair of TPC (2007), International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka.
⮚ Member, Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka
⮚ Past Member, Institution of Engineers, Australia.
⮚ Past Member, IEEE.
⮚ Conference Travel Grant (2015), National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka.
⮚ Support for Innovation Grant (2007), National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka.
⮚ Annual Research Grants (2003, 2004), Massey University Research Fund, Massey University, New Zealand.
⮚ Overseas Conference Travel Grants (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004), Massey University Research Fund, Massey University, New Zealand.
⮚ Research Grant (1996), Australian Centre for Test & Evaluation, University of South Australia, Australia.
⮚ Overseas Conference Travel Grant (1996), Australian Centre for Test & Evaluation, University of South Australia, Australia.
⮚ K D R Jagath Kumara (2005), “Evaluation of Hybrid-ARQ Protocols Using a Burst-Error Model”, Seminar Presentation at the Institute of Information Sciences & Technology, AH3.43A, Massey University, Palmerston North, 26 May.
⮚ K D R Jagath Kumara (2003), “A type II hybrid-ARQ protocol and the derivation of the throughput and time delay in AWGN and burst-error channels”, Seminar Presentation at the Institute for Telecommunications Research (ITR),
⮚ K D R Jagath Kumara (2002), “Frame errors of digital communication links in bursty channels”, Seminar Presentation at the Systems Engineering and Evaluation Centre (SEEC),
⮚ K D R Jagath Kumara (2002), “Theoretical performance of a type II hybrid-ARQ scheme in bursty forward and reverse channels”, Seminar Presentation at the Signals and Systems Group,
⮚ K D R Jagath Kumara (1999), “On bit and frame error estimation of coded modulation”, Seminar Presentation at the Institute of Information Sciences & Technology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 24 Nov.
⮚ K D R Jagath Kumara (1999), “Capacity enhancement and performance estimation of digital mobile/fixed radio links”, Seminar Presentation at the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia.
⮚ K D R Jagath Kumara (2006), “Physical layer issues and data link protocols”, Presentation at the Korean Wireless Workshop, School of Engineering, The University of Auckland, Auckland, 31 March 2006.
⮚ K D R Jagath Kumara (2020), "On the Placement of a Wave Manipulator for Energy Harnessing in the Nearshore”, Wave Energy Symposium, Room 1, Members Lounge, IESL, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 30January.
⮚ K D R Jagath Kumara (2018), "Increasing Wave Energy Capture by Concentration”, Symposium on Marine Renewable Energy, Mechanical Engineering Seminar Room, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 12 January.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2024), “A top-mounted, chain-driven, bidirectional, point absorber type wave energy convertor", Energy Reports, Elsevier, Vol. 12, p. 1360-1384, December.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2022), “On the placement of a wave manipulator suitable for energy harnessing in the nearshore”, Taylor and Francis Cogent Engineering, Vol. 9, Issue 1, September.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, D. D. Dias, R. L. Nawagamuwa, W. M. A. R. Weerasinghe, (2018), “Wave Energy Enhancement for Nearshore Electricity Generation”, ENGINEER, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, Vol. LI, No. 2, p. 43-52, April.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, D. D. Dias, (2015), “Near Shore Wave Manipulation for Electricity Generation”, WASET International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 7, 2015, p. 683-692.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2015), “Implementation problems of retransmission protocols: SR-ARQ revisited”, Elsevier International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), Vol. 69, Issue 2, p. 596-603, DOI: 10.1016/j.aeue.2014.11.008, February.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2014), “Comparison of the Upper Bounds of the Link Efficiency of Selective-Repeat ARQ in Burst Error Channels Considering Unreliable Acknowledgements”, Journal of Telecommunications, Vol. 25, Issue 2, June.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2013), “An upper bound for the link efficiency of selective-repeat ARQ considering unreliable acknowledgements”, Journal of Telecommunications, Vol. 21, Issue 2, Aug.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, Bebbington M, (2009), “Performance Optimization of Hybrid-ARQ Schemes with Codeword Combining Using Physical Layer Modelling”, Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Australia, IEAUST, p. 185-200, Vol 5, No 2.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, Bebbington M, (2005), “Error content in frames transmitted over burst-error channels”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, p. 2533-2539, Vol. 4, No. 5, September.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, Stephen C. Cook. (1998), “Passive estimation of bit error probability in communication systems employing error control coding”, Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Australia, IEAUST, p. 101-110, Vol. 18, No. 2, September.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, D. D. Dias. (2015), “Near Shore Wave Manipulation for Electricity Generation”, Proceedings of the 17th WASET International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronic and Communication Engineering, ICECECE’ 15, p. 949-959,
⮚ S. D. K. Maliyadda, W. M. C. R. Wijeratne, S. R. L. M. Zoysa, D. D. Dias, K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara (2014), “Manipulation of near-shore sea waves for electricity generation: modelling a wave concentrator,” in Proc. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, ICSBE 2014, Kandy, Sri Lanka, vol. 3, p. 206-216, 12-14 Dec.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2005), “Testing of a burst-error model using computer simulations”, Proceedings of the Twelfth Electronics New Zealand Conference, ENZCon’ 05, p. 141-145, Manukau Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 14-15 Nov.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2004), “An adaptive data rate link protocol for highly dynamic communication channels”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, ISITA’ 04, p. 1369-1374,
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2004), “Evaluation of hybrid-ARQ protocols in wireless channels using a new burst model”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, ISITA’ 04, p. 1375-1380,
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2002), “Theoretical performance of a BCH hybrid-ARQ protocol operating in a non-perfect reverse channel”, Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on DSP for Communication Systems, DSPCS’ 02, p. 201-204, Sydney-Manly, Australia, 28-31 Jan.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2000), “Theoretical performance bounds of a probability of bit error estimator used in digital links employing binary block codes”, Proceedings of IEEE International On-Line Testing Workshop, Palma De Mallorca, IOLTW'00, p. 165-168, Spain, 03-05 July.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (1998), “A new frame-error estimation criterion for ARQ/HARQ schemes”, Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, No. 108.5, GLOBECOM' 98,
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, Stephen C. Cook. (1996), “Passive measurement of the performance of radio communication links employing coded-modulation”, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Personal,
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, Stephen C. Cook. (1994), "
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2006), “Modelling and estimation of bit and frame errors for data link protocols”, in Proc. Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Vol. 11, p. 86, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 30 Nov.
⮚ K. D. Rohitha Jagath-Kumara, (2018), All (7) Chapters: Basics of Network Engineering, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka, April.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath-Kumara, (2001), One (1) Chapter: "A new H
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath Kumara, (2024), "Nearshore waves: A source of electricity", Research Brief in Hantana Vision, Research Magazine of the University of Peradeniya, Vol. 12, Issue 1, August.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath Kumara, (2020), Basics of Network Engineering, News article in Hantana Vision, Research Magazine of the University of Peradeniya, Vol. 5, Issue 2, p. 31, January.
⮚ K. D. R. Jagath Kumara (2018), NETSIMED: Network Simulator Software, Basics of Network Engineering, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka, April.