DEEE Research Works were recently presented at IEEE-ICIIS2023
IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) was hosted for the 17th time from 25th to 26th August 2023 at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya. The conference adopting a double-blind peer review scheme and has maintained an average of just above 50% of acceptance rate to give the world high-quality scientific publications. All the accepted and presented papers that comply with IEEE standards and formats are submitted for publishing in the prestigious IEEE Xplore database, which is accessed by over 3.5 million researchers, academics, and industrialists worldwide. The conference and the proceedings hold an h-index of 34 with more than 8200 citations, according to Google scholar metrics.
About 20 PG and UG research investigations, under the topics of Artificial intelligence and Signal Processing, Biomedical Engineering, Communication and Information, Electronics and Instrumentation, Power, Energy, and High voltage engineering, Robotics, Control, and Automation, conducted under the supervision of DEEE members were presented and published in the conference proceedings. In addition, several members took part in pre-conference workshops as resource persons. DEEE congratulates all our authors, presenters, and resource persons for showcasing their research capabilities to the scientific community.
More on ICIIS2023 can be found here.