Nalin Harischandra
Senior Lecturer |
Room: WS 007 | |||
☎: +94 81239 3427 | |||
✉: nalin AT ee.pdn.ac.lk/ nalin AT eng.pdn.ac.lk | |||
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Personal Webpage, My CV |
Nalin Harischandra received his B.Sc. Eng. degree (specialized in Electrical and Electronic Engineering) with first class honors from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2002. He received his Technical Licentiate and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science (Computational biology and Neuro-computing) from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden in 2008 and 2011 respectively. He is currently attached to the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya (UOP), Sri Lanka as a senior lecturer. Before joining UOP in 2016, Dr. Harischandra was a post doctoral researcher in the Department of Biological Cybernetics at the University of Bielefeld under a two-year research grant awarded by the Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) at Bielefeld in Germany. From 2011 to 2014, he was also a postdoctoral researcher in the same Department under a three-year collaborative EU-funded project within FP7-ICT, EMICAB (Embodied Motion Intelligence for Cognitive, Autonomous Robots). During doctoral studies, he has been a member of the Stockholm Brain Institute, and also of the KTH team of the EU-funded FP7 project LAMPETRA (Lifelike Artefacts for MotorPostural Experiments and development of new control Technologies inspired by Rapid Animal locomotion). Dr. Harischandra’s research interests include bio-robotics, neuro-mechanical simulations of motor control, dynamics of sensory motor integration, machine learning, signal processing and active sensing. He has been a co-author of numerous peer reviewed international journal and conference papers.
Research interests are directed primarily towards Bio-robotics, Bio-medical engineering and Computational neuroscience research in a variety of interrelated areas:
⮚ Sensor networks, Active sensing and Sensory motor integration
⮚ Bio-inspired robotics and Bio-medical engineering
⮚ Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning Applications
⮚ Neuromechanical simulations for motor control
⮚ Investigating control algorithms to be used in robotic devices for stepping, swimming and crawling
⮚ Dynamic systems & Mathematical modeling
⮚ Signal and Image processing, Computer Vision
⮚ Human Computer Interactions/ Data acquisition and Computer Interfacing
⮚ PhD in Computer Science from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden (12/2011)
⮚ Tech. Lic. Degree in Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden (04/2008)
⮚ B.Sc. Eng. Specialized in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with First Class Honors : FOE, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (11/2002)
⮚ High School Education (G.C.E. (A/L), 1996 and G.C.E. (O/L), 1993): Kingswood College, Kandy, SRI LANKA
⮚ Senior Lecturer (Grade I), Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UOP, Sri Lanka (09/2017- to date)
⮚ Successful completion of the Induction Program for Academic Staff, SDC, University of Peradeniya (10-12/2017)
⮚ Senior Lecturer (Grade II), Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UOP, Sri Lanka (10/2016-08/2017)
⮚ Postdoctoral Researcher, CITEC Graduate School, Dept. of Biological Cybernetics, University of Bielefeld, Germany (08/2014-07/2016)
⮚ Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Biological Cybernetics, University of Bielefeld, Germany (08/2011-07/2014)
⮚ Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UOP, Sri Lanka (05/2004-05/2005)
⮚ Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
⮚ Associate Member of The Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL)
⮚ Associate Member of the Engineering Council, Sri Lanka (ECSL)
⮚ Chair: Central Region Subsection (CRSS) of IEEE Sri Lanka Section, (2025/26)
⮚ Financial Chair: IEEE-ICIIS2025, Faculty of Engineering, UOP (12/2025)
⮚ Webmaster: Peradeniya Engineering Faculty Alumni Association (PEFAA), University of Peradeniya (11/2023- to date)
⮚ Member: Local Organizing Committee of the Regional two-day workshop on building capacity to improve Air quality in South Asia, Organized by the University of Peradeniya and Duke University, USA (06-08/08/2023)
⮚ Member: Committee to formulate a strategy for Artificial intelligence of Sri Lanka 2023-2028, Presidential Secretariat and Ministry of Technology, Government of Sri Lanka (06/2023- to date )
⮚ Postgraduate Coordinator: PG Program at Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UOP (2023- to date)
⮚ General Co-chair/Conference Secretary: IEEE-ICIIS2023, Faculty of Engineering, UOP (08/2023)
⮚ Senior Treasurer: Robotics Society, University of Peradeniya (2020/21/22/23/24/- to date)
⮚ Webmaster: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya (2022- to date)
⮚ Laboratory Coordinator: Robotics, Control and Automation Lab, DEEE, Faculty of Engineering, UOP (Sep/2022- to date)
⮚ Member: Faculty E-Learning and Web Development Committee, Faculty of Engineering, UOP (2019- to date)
⮚ Financial Chair: ICIIS 2021/ICIIS2019, Faculty of Engineering, UOP
⮚ Treasurer: Central Region Subsection (CRSS) of IEEE Sri Lanka Section, (2019-2022)
⮚ Member: Organizing Committee of Future P-Bots, School Robotic Challenge, DEEE, Faculty of Engineering, UOP (Sep-Dec/2019)
⮚ Member: Committee to the Faculty Quality Assurance Cell (FQAC), Faculty of Engineering, UOP (2019)
⮚ Co-chair: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research and Project Symposium (EEERaPS-2019), DEEE, Faculty of Engineering, UOP (2019)
⮚ Temporary Senior Student Counselor: Faculty of Engineering, UOP (01/01-31/03/2018)
⮚ Member: Organizing Committee of CITEC-Graduate School Retreat and Research Symposia 2014 and 2015, Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC), University of Bielefeld, Germany
⮚ Member: International Advisory Panel of ICIIS2013/2015 (8th & 10th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems), Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
⮚ Member: Local conference management team, Computational Neuroscience Meeting-CNS 2011, Royal institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (23-28/07/2011)
⮚ Member: Local conference management team, 1st International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) 2006, Faculty of Engineering, UOP (08-11/08/2006)
⮚ Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
⮚ Associate Member of The Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL)
⮚ Associate Member of the Engineering Council, Sri Lanka (ECSL)
⮚ Member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE-RAS)
⮚ Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS-IEEE)
⮚ Member of the Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS)
⮚ Team member, UOP, Sri Lanka - PROJECT: Digital Transformation of Asian Higher Education: DIGITAsia- co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. PI: Prof. Sakunthala Y. Ekanayake, UOP, Sri Lanka; Project Director (PD): Prof. Igor Balaban, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia (2024-2027)
⮚ Team member, UOP, Sri Lanka - PROJECT: Building Capacity to Improve Air Quality in South Asia: Reducing PM2.5 Through Low-Cost Sensor Network Driven Policy Decisions. Lead Technical Personnel (LTP): Dr. Gayan Bowatte, UOP, Sri Lanka; Project Director (PD): Prof. Mike Bergin, Duke University, USA (2021-2024)
⮚ Collaborator: University Research Grant (URG/2022/33/E)- Creating Digital Twins of Ancient Stupa Structures to Study Structural Defects and Suggest Remedial Measures, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Principal Investigator: Dr. H.A.D.S. Buddika (05/2022-05/2024)
⮚ Team member, UOP, Sri Lanka - PROJECT: NVIDIA Applied Research Accelerator Program-Elephant – Train Collision Prevention System. PI: Prof. B.G.L.T. Samaranayake, UOP, Sri Lanka; Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, University of Technology, Sydney (2021/2022)
⮚ Team member, UOP, Sri Lanka - PROJECT: IEEE RAS-SIGHT project-Elephant – Train Collision Prevention System. PI: Dr. B.G.L.T. Samaranayake, Prof. K.M. Liyanage, UOP, Sri Lanka; Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, University of Technology, Sydney (2019-2020)
⮚ GRANT: University Research Grant (URG/2017/25/E)- Visual servoing for mobile robotic manipulators, DEEE, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Collaborator: Dr. B.G.L.T. Samaranayake (12/2017-12/2019)
⮚ GRANT: CITEC (EXC 277) Grant, Cognitive Interaction Technology Center of Excellence- Sensory coupled CPG network for adaptive control of active touch, University of Bielefeld, Germany. PI: Prof. Volker Durr (08/2014- 07/2016)
⮚ Team member, University of Bielefeld, Germany - EU-FP7 PROJECT: EMICAB-Embodied Motion Intelligence for Cognitive, Autonomous Robots- An EU-funded project within FP7-ICT Cognitive Systems and Robotics, Grant 270182 (2011-2014)
⮚ Team member, KTH, Sweden - EU-FP7 PROJECT: LAMPETRA-Life-like Artefacts for Motor-Postural Experiments and development of new control Technologies inspired by Rapid Animal locomotion- FP7: Theme ICT-2007.8.3 - FET proactive 3, Bio-ICT Convergence (2008- 2011)
⮚ PhD: Structural Corrosion Detection by High-Resolution Image Processing and Deep Learning, Egodawela SMKSCB (2021- to-date)
- Co-supervisors: Dr. Samith Buddika HAD, Dr. Dhammika AJ, UOP, SRI LANKA
- Co-supervisors: Dr. Mojtaba Mahmoodian, Dr. Amirali K. Gostar, RMIT, AUSTRALIA
⮚ MPhil: Visual Servoing for Mobile Robotic Manipualtors, Perera MSP (2021- 2022)
- Co-supervisor: Prof. Samaranayake BGLT
⮚ MSc: Dynamic Simulation of Insect head-antennal system for movement control, Samarasena KSB (2018)
- Co-supervisor: Dr. Ekanayake MPB
⮚ Reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, Publication of IEEE-RAS and IEEE-CIS, ISSN 2379-8920
⮚ Reviewer, 11th IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technological Conference (HTC2023), Marwadi University, Rajkot, India
⮚ Member of the Technical Program Committee, Reviewer, ICIIS2023, ICIIS2021, ICIIS2019, ICIIS2017, ICIIS2015, DEEE, UOP
⮚ Reviewer, WIESymp 2021, International Women in Engineering Symposium, IEEE-WIE Sri Lanka Section, November 2021
⮚ Reviewer, 3rd Young Scientists Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (YSCMR) 2021, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka
⮚ Reviewer, 7th IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technological Conference (HTC2019), Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
⮚ Reviewer, 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA2019), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
⮚ Member of the Technical Program Committee (Reviewer), 1st International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent systems (ICORIS-2019), Bali, Indonesia
⮚ Track Chair, Member of the Technical Program Committee, 6th IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technological Conference (HTC2018), SLIIT, Colombo, Sri Lanka
⮚ Track Chair, Biomedical Engineering, IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS2017), DEEE, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
⮚ Reviewer of the Journal of National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka, E-ISSN 2362-0161, NSF, Colombo, https://jnsfsl.sljol.info/
⮚ Reviewer of the Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems, ISSN 1480-1752, ACTA Press, (2016-2018)
⮚ Reviewer of the International Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (JCND), ISSN 1555-1415, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Digital Collection, (2015-2018)
⮚ Reviewer of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS), Online ISSN 1729-8814, (2014-2018)
⮚ Winner, Gunasekara SR, Kaldera HNTK, Harischandra N and Samaranayake L "METABOT: A metal tactile robot based on active sensing", Robotic Competition - Open category; In 6th IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, Colombo, 06-08 December (2018)
⮚ Best Student Paper, Krause, A.F., Hoinville, T., Harischandra, N., and Dürr, V., "Contour-Net - A Model for Tactile Contour-tracing and Shape-recognition", ICAART2014-International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (2014)
⮚ SIDA- Full scholarship to conduct a research leading to Doctoral Degree in Computer Science at KTH, Sweden in collaboration with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UOP, Sri Lanka (2005)
⮚ University Prize for the Academic Excellence in General Convocation, UOP, Sri Lanka (2003)
⮚ The Prof. E.O.E. Pereira Prize for the Best Performance in Final examination in Engineering-part II (2002)
⮚ The Ananda Amarasinghe Memorial Prize in Engineering for the Best Performance in First Examination in Engineering (1999)
⮚ The University Scholarship for the Best Performance in First Examination in Engineering (1999)
⮚ Dr. W.P. Jayasinghe Challenge Trophy for the Best Results in G.C.E. (A/L) [ District (Kandy) rank: 1st, Island rank: 3rd] at the annual college prize giving, Kingswood College, Kandy (1996)
⮚ Devadasan Memorial Trophy for the Best All-rounder of the year. Kingswood College, Kandy (1996)
⮚ EE594: Industrial Robotics and Automation
⮚ EE580: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
⮚ EE501/EE402: Advanced Control Systems
⮚ EE405/EE406: Undergraduate Project I/II
⮚ EE387: Signal Processing (for Computer Engineering Students)
⮚ EE322: Embedded Systems Design
⮚ EE251: Principals of Electrical Measurements
⮚ EE697: Industrial Robotics (Postgraduate Course)
⮚ EE656: Research Methods in Electrical Engineering (Postgraduate Course)
⮚ EE657: Postgraduate Project
⮚ EE686: Advanced Digital Signal Processing (Postgraduate Course)
⮚ EE654: Advanced Study in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Postgraduate Course)
⮚ Harischandra N, Aththanayke G, "RF-CNN Pipeline for Forecasting PM2.5 Levels in Sri Lanka", At Consortium meeting/workshop on building capacity to improve air quality in South Asia, Organized by the Duke University, USA (12-14/08/2024)
⮚ Invitee/Contributor: Conference on "Improving Air Quality in Lower-Middle Income Countries: Monitoring, Modeling, and Pollution Control)", organized by the China Sri Lanka Joint Research and Demonstration Centre (JRDC), Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (04/07/2024)
⮚ Harischandra N, Guest Speaker, "Traversing the Cosmos: Evolution of Rovers in Space Exploration - From Wheels to AI and Bioinspiration-driven Innovations" organized by the Rover and Robotic division of SEDS OUSL, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Colombo (10/05/2024)
⮚ Invitee: Workshop on "Artificial Intelligence Readiness Assessment (AIRA)", organized by the Presidential Secretariat, the National Committee (CFSAI), and the Ministry of Technology, with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Sri Lanka. BMICH, Colombo (18/10/2023)
⮚ Participation: Workshop for Academic staff on "Examination Rules/Regulations and Good Practices", Organized by the IQAC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya (06/10/2023)
⮚ Invitee: "Forum of Artificial Intelligence and Multidisciplinary Research" - Peradeniya University Research Excellence Showcase (PURES)-2023 at JRDC, Organized by the University Research Council, University of Peradeniya (29/08/2023)
⮚ Participation: Awareness session on present and future plans in Air Quality monitoring in Sri Lanka, Conducted by the Central Environmental Authority-Sri Lanka, Battaramulla (09/08/2023)
⮚ Harischandra N, Aththanayke G, "Spatial-Temporal Deep Learning Model for Improving Prediction Accuracy of Satellite Image based PM2.5", At Regional workshop on building capacity to improve air quality in South Asia, Organized by the UOP and Duke University, USA (06-08/08/2023)
⮚ Invitee: "Round Table Discussion on Using AI for Developing Policy Measures" at AI4COVID-Impact Conference, Organized by the Ai4COVID Research Group. At Earls Regency, Kandy (24-25/07/2023)
⮚ Participation: Training Session on Motion Capturing, EMG and IMU system at Human Performance Laboratory in Institute of Sports Medicine, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka (25-27/01/2023)
⮚ Harischandra N, "Associating PM2.5/Meteo Data with Satellite Images from PlanetScope", Seminar for Pakistan Team under the Project: Building Capacity to Improve Air Quality in South Asia: Reducing PM2.5 Through Low-Cost Sensor Network Driven Policy Decisions, Online (26/09/2022)
⮚ Harishandra N, "Robot Design using Computer Aided Tools, Simulation and Control", Workshop on Robotics for Agricultural Undergraduates, Organized by AHEAD Project, Faulty of Agriculture, UOP and PASS asia (28/05/2022)
⮚ Harischandra N, "Introduction to MATLAB for Biologists-Advanced Course", Webinar Organized by the University Research Council, UOP (14/02/2022)
⮚ Harischandra N, "Introduction to MATLAB for Biologists", Webinar Organized by the University Research Council, UOP (28/09/2021)
⮚ Certificate of Completion: International Training Workshop on "BeiDou Technologies and Its Applications in the Belt and Road Countries and Regions" (Online), Organized by China Satellite Navigation Office-Academic Exchange Center(CSNO-AEC) Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), (7-17/09/2021)
⮚ Harischandra N, Keynote Speaker, "Robotricks 21/22- Robotics Webinar Series", Organized by IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS), Student Chapter, UOP (11/07/2021)
⮚ Participation: Workshop on Humanitarian Robotics, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS2020, (09/11/2020)
⮚ Harischandra N, "Shape up the Future Professionals- First steps towards the Professional World", EEES (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society) Public Seminar Series, UOP (05/11/2020)
⮚ Harischandra N, “Decoding the Mechanisms of Motor Control in Animals by Combining Neurobiology, Modeling and Robotics”, In Tutorial on "Brain-inspired computing, neural control mechanisms and biomedical instrumentation with integrated electronics", ICIIS2019, UOP (19/12/2019)
⮚ Harischandra N, "Introduction to Dynamic Simulation: Webots Tutorial", Inspirational Workshop on Robot Design, Future P-BOTS 2019: School Robotic Challenge, Organized by DEEE, UOP (21/09/2019)
⮚ Harischandra N, Workshop on "Introduction to Webots Dynamic Simulator", Organized by IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS), Student Chapter, UOP (05/09/2019)
⮚ Harischandra N, "Planning for the Future- Keeping up with the Professional World", EEES (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society) Public Seminar Series, UOP (03/09/2019)
⮚ Participation: Half day workshop on "Internal Quality Assurance - Best Practices of Program Management", Staff Development Program I, Faculty of Engineering, UOP (10/05/2019)
⮚ Participation: One day workshop on "Outcome Based Education towards enhancing the quality of Engineering Education" by Prof. Collin Kestell, Deputy Dean, Engineering, RMIT University, Australia; IQAU workshop, Faculty of Engineering, UOP (28/03/2019)
⮚ Harischandra N, “Decoding the Mechanisms of Motor Control in Animals by Combining Neurobiology, Modeling and Robotics”, Guest Lecture, Organized by IEEE Sri Lanka Central Region Subsection, DEEE, University of Peradeniya (06/07/2017)
⮚ Hoinville, T, Harischandra N, Dürr V, "Moving the senses: from motion sensing to animals in motion", ZIF Workshop, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, Germany (30/09-02/10/2015)
⮚ Harischandra N, "Sensory coupled CPG network for adaptive control of active touch" (17/06/2015), CITEC Club, Center of Excellence, Cognitive Interaction Technology, University of Bielefeld, Germany
⮚ Participation: 3rd Symposium of Arthropod Neuroscience Network (ANN), 107th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, DZG (11-14/09/2014), University of Göttingen, Germany
⮚ Harischandra N, Hoinville, T, “VisualTactile integration and tactile attention module: Embodied Intelligence” (03-04/06/2013), EMICAB 2nd year review meeting, Bielefeld, Germany
⮚ Harischandra N, Dürr V, "Prediction of self-induced mechanoreceptive sensor readings in an insect-inspired active tactile sensing system" (11-14/03/2013), 6th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM-2013), Darmstadt, Germany
⮚ Harischandra N, Dürr V, "A forward model for an active tactile sensor using Echo State Networks" (16-18/11/2012), 6th International Symposium on Robotics and Sensors Environments (ROSE-2012), Magdeburg, Germany
⮚ Harischandra N, "A forward model for an active tactile sensor" (28/09/2012), EMICAB Consortium meeting, Catania, Sicily, Italy.
⮚ Harischandra N, "Computer simulation of the neural control of locomotion in the cat and the salamander" (14/12/2011), Public defense of the Doctoral thesis, Stockholm; Opponent: Dr. Silvia Gruhn, Dept. of Animal Physiology, University of Cologne, Köln, Germany
⮚ Harischandra N, "Forward models: time series prediction for an active tactile sensor" (08/12/2011), EMICAB Consortium meeting, Aachen, Germany
⮚ Participation: ICIRA (06-08/12/2011), 4th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Aachen, Germany
⮚ Harischandra N, "Neuro-mechanical simulations in the study of locomotion" (14/04/2010), Invited Speech, BIRG, EPFL, Laussane, Switzerland
⮚ Harischandra N, Ekeberg Ö, "Neuromechanical simulations in the study of cat and salamander locomotion" (23/10/2008), Poster presentation, Motor Network Meeting, Lund University, BMC, S-221 84 Lund, SWEDEN
⮚ Harischandra N, "Computer simulation of the neural control of locomotion in the cat" (28/04/2008). Technical Licentiate Thesis defending seminar, RB35, AlbaNova; Opponent: Prof. Jhon Hallam, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, DENMARK
⮚ Participation: Workshop on Action-Perception (25/01/2008); Host. Prof. Sten Grillner, Stockholm Brain Institute (SBI). Vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm
⮚ Harischandra N, "Building a computer simulator for the study of walking patterns of the cat" (July 2006), Brain Interest Group (BIG), Faculty of Medicine, UOP, Sri Lanka
⮚ Harischandra N, "Data acquisition and instrument control through GPIB using LabView" (February 2005), Undergraduates DEEE, Faculty of Engineering, UOP, Sri Lanka
⮚ Harischandra N, "Brain-prosthetic and Brain-computer interfacing using EEG": (December 2004), DEEE, Faculty of Engineering, UOP, Sri Lanka
⮚ Presidential Task Force to Formulate a Strategy for Artificial Intelligence of Sri Lanka 2023-2028
- -- Main Committee Member
- -- Sub-committee Member: Research and Development
"The terms of reference (TOR) involve a comprehensive analysis of the current AI landscape in Sri Lanka. The objective is to identify key focus areas that leverage Sri Lanka's unique strengths, available resources, and major economic sectors. The TOR also includes a risk assessment and mitigation plan, stakeholder engagement, financial requirements analysis for AI implementation, five-year roadmap development, policy recommendations, and comprehensive reporting to summarize the AI strategy plan. Additionally, the TOR encompasses financing recommendations, implementation guidelines, and criteria for monitoring and evaluation, which enable transparency and accountability in the execution of the strategy." |
- -- WHITE PAPER to guide the development of a comprehensive strategy for AI integration in SRI LANKA: Contributor (04/2024)
- -- AI Policy/Ethics/ Strategy Learning Workshop Series: Participation
"Technology and Digital Transformation" by Dr. Pramod Varma, former Chief Architect of Aadhaar & India Stack, and CTO of EkStep Foundation (09/10/2023) |
"The Role of AI in Open and Innovative Governance" by Barbara Ubaldi, Acting Head of the Division on Open and Innovative Governments within the OECD Public Governance Directorate (04/10/2023) |
"Data and AI policy" by Khushal Wadhawan, Consultant to the Ministry of Electronics and IT, India (20/09/2023) |
"UNDP’s AI Readiness Assessment" by Yasmine Hamdar, the AI Policy Specialist at the Chief Digital Office (CDO), UNDP (06/09/2023) |
- -- Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Readiness Assessment (AIRA): Invitee
In a significant move towards advancing Sri Lanka's AI journey, the Presidential Secretariat, the National Committee (CFSAI), and the Ministry of Technology, with the invaluable technical assistance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Sri Lanka, recently conducted an introductory workshop on the UNDP-developed AI Readiness Assessment (AIRA). Notably, AIRA is a tool created by UNDP's Chief Digital Office to comprehensively evaluate Sri Lanka's current AI landscape, with a keen focus on identifying potential challenges and opportunities in this critical area. The workshop took place at the RUBY hall of BMICH, Colombo on 18th October from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. |
⮚ Elephant-Train Collision Prevention (2020 -)
In Sri Lanka, elephant-train collisions pose a significant issue due to the high population of elephants and the increasing urbanization. It is crucial to prevent such collisions to safeguard both human lives and the elephant population. To address this problem, several strategies and measures can be implemented. We are currently developing an Early Warning System that uses sensors, cameras, and other technologies to detect elephants approaching railway tracks. This system alerts train operators to slow down or stop trains in time to prevent collisions. Continuous monitoring of elephant movements and behaviors near railway tracks can provide valuable insights into collision patterns. Such data can inform the development of more targeted preventive measures. |
⮚ National Air Quality Monitoring Sensor Network (2021 -)
Setting up a low-cost monitoring sensor network in Sri Lanka to measure Particulate Matter 2.5 micrometers or smaller (PM2.5) can significantly contribute to addressing air quality concerns and ensuring public health. The research project "Building capacity to improve air quality in South Asia: Reducing PM2.5 through low-cost sensor network driven policy decisions," funded by the U.S. State Department, aims to establish an AQ monitoring sensor network throughout the island in collaboration with the Central Environment Authority of Sri Lanka. The key areas of focus include network setup and maintenance, data collection, transmission, visualization, and analysis, interpretation, public alerting, capacity building, etc. |
⮚ Inspirational Workshop and School Robotic Challenge - Future P-Bots (Sep-Dec/2019)
"Future P-Bots" was an exciting Robotics Competition organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Peradeniya (UOP) that aimed to inspire young students to explore the world of robotics. The competition was open to all students (All-Island) under 22 years of age who had completed their G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination and left school, and it provided an opportunity for participants to showcase their creativity and problem-solving skills. The competition was based on the Webots open-source robotics simulator and featured three rounds of tasks that challenged competitors to overcome increasingly complex challenges. All registered students were invited to attend an Inspirational Workshop on Robot Design (21/09/2019), where they could learn from experts in the field and gain valuable insights into the world of robotics. Overall, "Future P-Bots" was an incredible experience that encouraged young students to pursue their passions and explore the limitless possibilities of robotics. |
⮚ Egodawela, S, Gostar, AK, Buddika, HS, Harischandra, N, Abeykoon, D, White, PA, & Mahmoodian, M (2024) "Multi-Spectral Imaging and Spectral Unmixing for Characterization of Relative Phase Composition of Steel Corrosion Products". in IEEE Sensors Journal, 24 (22) 37879-37893 [Abstract]
⮚ Egodawela S, Khodadadian Gostar A, Buddika HADS, Dammika AJ, Harischandra N, Navaratnam S, Mahmoodian M (2024) "A Deep Learning Approach for Surface Crack Classification and Segmentation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Assisted Infrastructure Inspections", Sensors, 24(6):1936 [Abstract]
⮚ Wijethunga PWSI, Chandrawansa IA, Rathnayake BMDT, Harischandra WANI, Weerakoon WMMTS, Samaranayake BGLT (2021) "Control of a 6DOF mobile manipulator with object detection and tracking using stereo vision", J. Instrumentation, 8(1), 1-13 [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N , Clare AJ, Zakotnik J, Blackburn LML, Matheson T, and Dürr V (2019) "Evaluation of linear and non-linear activation dynamics models for insect muscles", PLoS Comput. Biol. 15(10): e1007437 [Abstract]
⮚ Rathnapala JDCC, Jayathilake MUB, Rathnayake RMUKHMK, Samaranayake L and Harischandra N (2019) "Sensorless terrain estimation and torque control of a wheeled mobile robot" , Special Issue: J. Instrumentation, 6(2), 41-48 [Abstract]
⮚ Gunasekara SR, Kaldera HNTK, Harischandra N and Samaranayake L (2019) "Distance estimation and material classification of a compliant tactile sensor using vibration modes and Support Vector Machine", J. Instrumentation, 6(1), 34-47 [Abstract]
⮚ Krause AF, Harischandra N and Dürr V (2015) "Shape recognition through tactile contour tracing: a simulation study", Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XX, LNCS, v 9420, 54-77 [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N, Krause AF and Dürr V (2015) "Stable phase-shift despite quasi-rhythmic movements: a CPG-driven dynamic model of active tactile exploration in an insect", Front. Comput. Neurosci. 9:107 [Abstract]
⮚ Bicanski A, Ryczko D, Knuesel J, Harischandra N, Charrier V, Ekeberg Ö, Cabelguen J-M, and Ijspeert AJ (2013) "Decoding the mechanisms of gait generation in salamanders by combining neurobiology, modeling and robotics", Biol. Cybernetics, 107(5), 545-564 [Abstract]
⮚ Sarvestani IK, Kozlov A, Harischandra N, Grillner S and Ekeberg Ö (2012) "A computational model of visually guided locomotion in lamprey", Biol. Cybernetics , 107(5), 497-512 [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N, Knuesel J, Kozlov A, Bicanski A, Cabelguen J-M, Ijspeert A and Ekeberg Ö (2011) "Sensory feedback plays a significant role in generating walking gait and in gait transition in salamanders: a simulation study", Front. Neurorobot. 5:3 [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N, Cabelguen J-M and Ekeberg Ö (2010) "A 3D musculo-mechanical model of the salamander for the study of different gaits and modes of locomotion", Front. Neurorobot. 4:112 [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N, Ekeberg Ö (2008) "System identification of muscle-joint interactions of the cat hind limb during locomotion", Biol. Cybernetics 99(2), 125-138 [Abstract]
⮚ Senevirathna SK, Udawatte HE, Fernando MARM, Harischandra N, Ekanayake C (2023) "Image-Based Condition Monitoring of Transmission Line Conductors Using Image Processing and Deep Neural Networks", In 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp 388-393, 25-26 August 2023 [Abstract]
⮚ Jayarathne SK, Rajapakshe OP, Siriwardhana SM, Kim K, Dassanayake T, Harischandra N, Wijayakulasooriya J, Ranaweera R (2023) "A Pattern Recognition Neural Network Approach for an SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interface", In 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp 447-452, 25-26 August 2023 [Abstract]
⮚ Ranasinghe UD, Abeyrathne SK, Samaranayake L, Weerakoon TK, Harischandra N, Dissanayake G (2023) "Enhanced Frequency Domain Analysis for Detecting Wild Elephants in Asia Using Acoustics", In 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp 140-145, 25-26 August 2023 [Abstract]
⮚ Egodawela S, Buddika HADS, Harischandra WANI, Dhammika AJ, Goastar AK, Mahmoodian M (2022) "Corrosion detection and severity estimation using spectral imaging and active thermography", In Proceedings of Annual Sessions 2022, Society of Structural Engineers Sri Lanka (SSESL), August 2022
⮚ Gunasekara S, Jayasuriya M, Harischandra N, Samaranayake L, Dissanayake G (2021) "A convolutional neural network based early warning system to prevent elephant-train collisions", In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp 271-276, 09-11 December 2021 [Abstract]
⮚ Gunasekara S, Samaranayake L, Harischandra N (2021) "Design of a computed torque controller based joint controller for PUMA 560 manipulator", In 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp 353-358, 09-11 December 2021 [Abstract]
⮚ Hoinville T, Harischandra N, Krause AF and Dürr V (2014) "Insect-inspired tactile contour sampling using vibration-based robotic antennae", 3rd International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (Living Machines), Lecture notes in Computer Science, volume 8608, pp.118-129, 30 July- 1 August 2014 [Abstract]
⮚ Krause AF, Hoinville T, Harischandra N and Dürr V (2014) "Contour-Net - a model for tactile contour-tracing and shape-recognition", International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), pp. 92-101, 06-08 March 2014 [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N, Dürr V (2013) "Prediction of self-induced mechanoreceptive sensor readings in an insect-inspired active tactile sensing system", Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM), 2013 International Symposium on, pp.59-62, 11-14 March 2013 [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N, Dürr V (2012) "A forward model for an active tactile sensor using Echo State Networks", Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, pp.103-108, 16-18 Nove. 2012 [Abstract]
⮚ Priyantha N, Harischandra N, Keerthiratne S (1998) "Adsorption characteristics of organic dyes on ball clay", Proceedings of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Sri Lanka, pp 316
⮚ Egodawela, S., Buddika, H. A. D., Harischandra, N, Mahmoodian, M. and Mathota, M.R.S.N.M. (2022) "Conservation and management of ancient stupa using digital twins: a case study of UAV based 3D photogrammetric digitalization of Rankoth Wehera stupa".In International Conference On Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE22), December 2022, Kandy, Sri Lanka
⮚ Egodawela S, Buddika HADS, Dhammika AJ, Harischandra N (2021) “Concrete Crack Detection and Segmentation in Images Collected by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, IESL Kandurata Chapter Annual Secessions, 22 December, 2021
⮚ Gunasekara S, Jayasuriya M, Harischandra N, Samaranayake L, Dissanayake G (2021) "A vision-based early warning system to prevent elephant-train collisions", In International Conference on Wildlife Technologies and Wildlife Conservation (ICWTWC 2021), August 2021, London, UK; Open Science Index, Biological and Ecological Engineering Vol:15, No:08 [Abstract]
⮚ Karunarathne TMIH, Karunarathne RMUGCSK, Gayashan HAKS, Samaranayake BGLT, Harischandra WANI (2020) "2D Navigation of a four wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot in an unknown terrain using SLAM", In IEEE International WIE Symposium, 15 November 2020 [Abstract]
⮚ Samaranayake L. et al. (2020) "Elephant train collision prevention system", In workshop on Humanitarian Robotics, IEEE International Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, USA, 09 November 2020 [Abstract]
⮚ Jayathilake G. et al. (2020) "Generalizing foreground estimation algorithms in dynamic background conditions", In International Research Conference of SLTC 2020, IRC-2020 [Abstract]
⮚ Gunasekara SR, Kaldera HNTK, Harischandra N and Samaranayake L (2018) "METABOT: A metal tactile robot based on active sensing", In 6th IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, Colombo, 06-08 December 2018 [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N, Hoinville T, Krause AF and Dürr V (2015) "A CPG driven dynamic model for the study of active tactile sensing in an insect", Program No. 799.07.2015, Neuroscience Meeting Planner, Chicago, IL: Society for Neuroscience, 2015. Online [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N, Krause AF and Dürr V (2015) "A 3D dynamic model for the study of central drive of antennal movements in insects", In 11th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, T26-1A, 18-21 March 2015 [Abstract]
⮚ Hoinville T, Harischandra N and Dürr V (2015) "Integrating touch and vision in Stick insects and insectoid robots", In 11th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, T26-2C, 18-21 March 2015 [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N (2011) "Modeling locomotor CPG: from simple to complex (A case study) ", Invited talk, Workshop on Modelling Central Pattern Generators: Neuronal Network Design Principles and Problems, Twentieth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS2011), Stockholm, Sweden [Abstract]
⮚ Harischandra N, Ekeberg Ö (2008) "Neuromechanical simulation in the study of cat and salamander locomotion", Poster Presentation, Motor Network Meeting, Lund University, BMC, S-221 84 Lund, SWEDEN
⮚ Harischandra N (2011) "Computer simulation of the neural control of locomotion in the cat and the salamander", Doctoral Thesis, ISBN 978-91-7501-168-4, TRITA-CSC-A 2011:20, ISSN 1653-5723, ISRN KTH/CSC/A--11/20--SE. [Full]
⮚ Harischandra N (2008) "Computer simulation of the neural control of locomotion in the cat", Technical Licentiate Thesis, ISBN 978-91-7178-937-2, TRITA-CSC-A 2008:4, ISSN 1653-5723, ISRN KTH/CSC/A--08/04--SE. [Full]
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⮚ Harischandra N (2007) "Building a computer simulator for the study of stepping of the cat", Technical Report TRITA-CSC-CB 2007:01, Computational Biology and Neurocomputing, School of Computer Science and Communication, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SWEDEN. [Full]
⮚ Clare AJ, Blackburn LML, Harischandra N, Zakotnik J, Dürr V, Matheson T (2019) "Activation dynamics data for locust hind leg extensor muscle", Bielefeld University [Link]
⮚ Harischandra N, Clare A, Zakotnik J, Blackburn L, Matheson T, and Dürr V (2019) "Insect Muscle Activation Dynamics Simulator (IMADSim)", MATLAB central [Link]