Undergraduate Courses
Here you will find the list of Undergraduate Courses. For each course, Title, Code, Aim, Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS) and a brief summary of Course Contents (major topics) are shown. You can also search or filter courses using the webform given below.

EE255: Electric Power
To provide understanding of electrical installations, energy sources and power system components, their operation and protection so that students will have a sufficient knowledge to design electrical installations while appreciating safety measures.

EE256: Power and Energy
To provide understanding of the various quantities associated with electrical circuits, three-phase systems and different power generation options so that students will have a sufficient knowledge about the power industry applications.

EE257: Signals and Systems
To provide understanding of the fundamental concepts and tools required to analyse the behaviour and characteristics of signals and systems - in particular linear time invariant systems.

EE308: Complex Analysis
To provide a thorough knowledge of fundamental and advanced concepts in complex analysis for applications.

EE320: Electromagnetic Theory
To give students the fundamental principles of electromagnetic theory.

EE322: Embedded Systems Design
At the end of this course the students will learn the fundamental concepts and tools required to analyse and design embedded systems.
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