Undergraduate Courses
Here you will find the list of Undergraduate Courses. For each course, Title, Code, Aim, Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS) and a brief summary of Course Contents (major topics) are shown. You can also search or filter courses using the webform given below.

EE595: Machine Intelligence and Smart Systems
To provide the theoretical and practical background required in pattern recognition and smart algorithms.

EE596: Image and Video Coding
To provide an understanding of the principles underlying the processing of image and video signals and to provide in-depth knowledge of state-of-the-art coding techniques, internationally standardized compression algorithms, error resilience techniques and related systems and technology.

EE599: Audio Engineering and Acoustics
To provide knowledge and skills on analyzing audio signals and designing soundscapes.

EF530: Engineering Management
To introduce managerial aspects needed for engineering graduates to perform a multitasking role as Engineering/General Managers in the industrial society, to enable the undergraduates to understand legal, economical, financial, social, environmental and ethical aspects in performing the managerial role of an organization and to facilitate the undergraduates with current practicing tools for the task of management.

EM211: Ordinary Differential Equations
To introduce analytical solving techniques of linear ordinary differential equations.

EM212: Calculus II
To introduce, calculus of functions of several variables, vector valued functions and the use of integral theorems in any orthogonal curvilinear coordinates to solve engineering problems.
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