Undergraduate Courses
Here you will find the list of Undergraduate Courses. For each course, Title, Code, Aim, Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS) and a brief summary of Course Contents (major topics) are shown. You can also search or filter courses using the webform given below.

EE325: Digital Signal Processing
To provide understanding of the fundamental concepts and tools required to analyze the behavior and characteristics of digital signals and discrete time systems.

EE351: Electronic Circuits
To provide the knowledge on electronic circuits that are incorporated in applications of analogue systems, digital systems and power electronic systems and also to engender both an intuitive understanding of circuit functionality and build.

EE352: Automatic Control
To provide understanding of analysis and modelling of continuous time control systems and controller design techniques.

EE353: Discrete Time Control Systems
To provide understanding of the use of signals and systems, digital signal processing and control systems so that students will be able to design and implement discrete time control systems.

EE354: Power Engineering
To provide understanding of the application of synchronous machines to power system and the power system analysis techniques so that students will be able to analyze the power system while incorporating different components.

EE355: Applied Electromagnetics
To provide the basics of guided wave propagation, antennas and microwave sources/components.
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