Undergraduate Courses
Here you will find the list of Undergraduate Courses. For each course, Title, Code, Aim, Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS) and a brief summary of Course Contents (major topics) are shown. You can also search or filter courses using the webform given below.

EE404: Electric Power Systems
To provide students with the fundamental knowledge required to understand power system components, its operation, protection and requirement and stability issues.

EE405: Undergraduate Project I
To provide students with necessary skills to carry out, manage and report a piece of project and to provide exposure to advanced design techniques and/or simulation environment and/or practical implementations of circuits.

EE406: Undergraduate Project II
To provide students with necessary skills to carry out, manage and report a piece of project and to provide exposure to advanced design techniques and/or simulation environment and/or practical implementations of circuits.

EE501: Advanced Control Systems
To identify systems, analyze nonlinearities using classical techniques and to design and implement digital controllers for practical systems in electrical and electronic engineering.

EE511: Antennas and Propagation
To give students the basis knowledge required to analyze and
design antennas and communication links to the specifications.
design antennas and communication links to the specifications.

EE512: Communication Theory
To equip students with the fundamental concepts and tools required to analyze the behavior and characteristics of random signals and their impact on the performance of communication systems.
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