Undergraduate Courses
Here you will find the list of Undergraduate Courses. For each course, Title, Code, Aim, Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS) and a brief summary of Course Contents (major topics) are shown. You can also search or filter courses using the webform given below.

EE554: Microwave Techniques
To give students the basis required to analyze and design, simulate, fabricate and test microwave circuits.

EE559: Integrated Analog Electronic Circuits
To provide knowledge required to design integrated electronic circuits and sub-circuits to given specifications.

EE561: Industrial Instrumentation
To provide the practical aspects of implementing instrumentation systems and advanced techniques used in instrumentation.

EE572: Electric Power Systems
To provide students with the fundamental knowledge required to understand power system components, its operation, protection and requirement and stability issues.

EE575: Power Electronic Applications and Design
To study, design and control issues in practical realization of power electronic applications.

EE576: High Voltage Engineering
To provide background knowledge and applications of testing of high voltage apparatus in the laboratory.
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